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  • nginx-1.27.1-r10
    ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux
    aio busy-upstream debug +http http2 http3 +http-cache ktls libatomic mail pam pcre pcre-jit +pcre2 perftools rrd ssl ssl-cert-cb stream threads vim-syntax selinux systemtap +static rtmp +nginx_modules_http_access +nginx_modules_http_auth_basic +nginx_modules_http_autoindex +nginx_modules_http_browser +nginx_modules_http_charset +nginx_modules_http_empty_gif +nginx_modules_http_fastcgi +nginx_modules_http_geo +nginx_modules_http_grpc +nginx_modules_http_gzip +nginx_modules_http_limit_conn +nginx_modules_http_limit_req +nginx_modules_http_map +nginx_modules_http_memcached +nginx_modules_http_mirror +nginx_modules_http_proxy +nginx_modules_http_referer +nginx_modules_http_rewrite +nginx_modules_http_scgi +nginx_modules_http_split_clients +nginx_modules_http_ssi +nginx_modules_http_upstream_hash +nginx_modules_http_upstream_ip_hash +nginx_modules_http_upstream_keepalive +nginx_modules_http_upstream_least_conn +nginx_modules_http_upstream_zone +nginx_modules_http_userid +nginx_modules_http_uwsgi nginx_modules_stream_access nginx_modules_stream_geo nginx_modules_stream_limit_conn nginx_modules_stream_map nginx_modules_stream_return nginx_modules_stream_split_clients nginx_modules_stream_upstream_hash nginx_modules_stream_upstream_least_conn nginx_modules_stream_upstream_zone nginx_modules_mail_imap nginx_modules_mail_pop3 nginx_modules_mail_smtp nginx_modules_http_addition nginx_modules_http_auth_request nginx_modules_http_dav nginx_modules_http_degradation nginx_modules_http_flv nginx_modules_http_geoip nginx_modules_http_gunzip nginx_modules_http_gzip_static nginx_modules_http_image_filter nginx_modules_http_mp4 nginx_modules_http_perl nginx_modules_http_random_index +nginx_modules_http_realip nginx_modules_http_secure_link nginx_modules_http_slice nginx_modules_http_stub_status nginx_modules_http_sub nginx_modules_http_xslt +nginx_modules_http_v2 nginx_modules_http_v3 nginx_modules_stream_geoip +nginx_modules_stream_realip nginx_modules_stream_ssl_preread nginx_modules_http_brotli nginx_modules_http_naxsi nginx_modules_http_security nginx_modules_http_ndk nginx_modules_http_set_misc nginx_modules_http_echo +nginx_modules_http_memc nginx_modules_http_lua nginx_modules_http_lua_upstream nginx_modules_http_nchan nginx_modules_http_coolkit nginx_modules_http_enmemcache nginx_modules_http_rdns nginx_modules_http_cache_purge nginx_modules_http_headers_more nginx_modules_http_encrypted_session nginx_modules_http_pagespeed nginx_modules_http_push_stream nginx_modules_http_ey_balancer nginx_modules_http_slowfs_cache nginx_modules_http_redis nginx_modules_http_replace_filter nginx_modules_http_form_input nginx_modules_http_rds_json nginx_modules_http_rds_csv nginx_modules_http_postgres nginx_modules_http_srcache nginx_modules_http_array_var nginx_modules_http_xss nginx_modules_http_iconv nginx_modules_http_upload_progress nginx_modules_http_fancyindex nginx_modules_http_metrics nginx_modules_http_dav_ext nginx_modules_http_passenger nginx_modules_http_auth_pam nginx_modules_http_hls_audio nginx_modules_http_sticky nginx_modules_http_ajp nginx_modules_http_javascript nginx_modules_http_drizzle nginx_modules_http_upstream_check nginx_modules_http_auth_ldap nginx_modules_http_rrd nginx_modules_http_vhost_traffic_status nginx_modules_http_geoip2 nginx_modules_stream_geoip2 nginx_modules_stream_traffic_status nginx_modules_stream_javascript nginx_modules_stream_lua nginx_modules_core_rtmp nginx_modules_core_stream_traffic_status ruby_targets_ruby31 ruby_targets_ruby32 ruby_targets_ruby33 +lua_single_target_luajit

    View      Download      Browse     License: BSD-2 BSD SSLeay MIT GPL-2 GPL-2+ nginx_modules_http_enmemcache? ( Apache-2.0 ) nginx_modules_http_security? ( Apache-2.0 ) nginx_modules_http_push_stream? ( GPL-3 ) nginx_modules_http_hls_audio? ( GPL-3 )   
    Overlay: mva
  • nginx-1.27.1-r2
    ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~loong ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux
    aio debug +http +http2 http3 +http-cache ktls libatomic pcre +pcre2 pcre-jit rtmp selinux ssl test threads vim-syntax +nginx_modules_http_access +nginx_modules_http_auth_basic +nginx_modules_http_autoindex +nginx_modules_http_browser +nginx_modules_http_charset +nginx_modules_http_empty_gif +nginx_modules_http_fastcgi +nginx_modules_http_geo +nginx_modules_http_grpc +nginx_modules_http_gzip +nginx_modules_http_limit_req +nginx_modules_http_limit_conn +nginx_modules_http_map +nginx_modules_http_memcached +nginx_modules_http_mirror +nginx_modules_http_proxy +nginx_modules_http_referer +nginx_modules_http_rewrite +nginx_modules_http_scgi +nginx_modules_http_ssi +nginx_modules_http_split_clients +nginx_modules_http_upstream_hash +nginx_modules_http_upstream_ip_hash +nginx_modules_http_upstream_keepalive +nginx_modules_http_upstream_least_conn +nginx_modules_http_upstream_zone +nginx_modules_http_userid +nginx_modules_http_uwsgi nginx_modules_http_addition nginx_modules_http_auth_request nginx_modules_http_dav nginx_modules_http_degradation nginx_modules_http_flv nginx_modules_http_geoip nginx_modules_http_gunzip nginx_modules_http_gzip_static nginx_modules_http_image_filter nginx_modules_http_mp4 nginx_modules_http_perl nginx_modules_http_random_index nginx_modules_http_realip nginx_modules_http_secure_link nginx_modules_http_slice nginx_modules_http_stub_status nginx_modules_http_sub nginx_modules_http_xslt nginx_modules_stream_access nginx_modules_stream_geo nginx_modules_stream_limit_conn nginx_modules_stream_map nginx_modules_stream_return nginx_modules_stream_split_clients nginx_modules_stream_upstream_hash nginx_modules_stream_upstream_least_conn nginx_modules_stream_upstream_zone nginx_modules_stream_geoip nginx_modules_stream_realip nginx_modules_stream_ssl_preread nginx_modules_mail_imap nginx_modules_mail_pop3 nginx_modules_mail_smtp nginx_modules_http_auth_ldap nginx_modules_http_auth_pam nginx_modules_http_brotli nginx_modules_http_cache_purge nginx_modules_http_dav_ext nginx_modules_http_echo nginx_modules_http_fancyindex nginx_modules_http_geoip2 nginx_modules_http_headers_more nginx_modules_http_javascript nginx_modules_http_lua nginx_modules_http_memc nginx_modules_http_metrics nginx_modules_http_mogilefs nginx_modules_http_naxsi nginx_modules_http_push_stream nginx_modules_http_security nginx_modules_http_slowfs_cache nginx_modules_http_sticky nginx_modules_http_upload_progress nginx_modules_http_upstream_check nginx_modules_http_vhost_traffic_status nginx_modules_http_vod nginx_modules_stream_geoip2 nginx_modules_stream_javascript nginx_modules_http_spdy +lua_single_target_luajit

    View      Download      Browse     License: BSD-2 BSD SSLeay MIT GPL-2 GPL-2+ nginx_modules_http_security? ( Apache-2.0 ) nginx_modules_http_push_stream? ( GPL-3 )   
    Overlay: gentoo
  • nginx-1.27.0-r1
    ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~loong ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux
    aio debug +http +http2 http3 +http-cache ktls libatomic pcre +pcre2 pcre-jit rtmp selinux ssl test threads vim-syntax +nginx_modules_http_access +nginx_modules_http_auth_basic +nginx_modules_http_autoindex +nginx_modules_http_browser +nginx_modules_http_charset +nginx_modules_http_empty_gif +nginx_modules_http_fastcgi +nginx_modules_http_geo +nginx_modules_http_grpc +nginx_modules_http_gzip +nginx_modules_http_limit_req +nginx_modules_http_limit_conn +nginx_modules_http_map +nginx_modules_http_memcached +nginx_modules_http_mirror +nginx_modules_http_proxy +nginx_modules_http_referer +nginx_modules_http_rewrite +nginx_modules_http_scgi +nginx_modules_http_ssi +nginx_modules_http_split_clients +nginx_modules_http_upstream_hash +nginx_modules_http_upstream_ip_hash +nginx_modules_http_upstream_keepalive +nginx_modules_http_upstream_least_conn +nginx_modules_http_upstream_zone +nginx_modules_http_userid +nginx_modules_http_uwsgi nginx_modules_http_addition nginx_modules_http_auth_request nginx_modules_http_dav nginx_modules_http_degradation nginx_modules_http_flv nginx_modules_http_geoip nginx_modules_http_gunzip nginx_modules_http_gzip_static nginx_modules_http_image_filter nginx_modules_http_mp4 nginx_modules_http_perl nginx_modules_http_random_index nginx_modules_http_realip nginx_modules_http_secure_link nginx_modules_http_slice nginx_modules_http_stub_status nginx_modules_http_sub nginx_modules_http_xslt nginx_modules_stream_access nginx_modules_stream_geo nginx_modules_stream_limit_conn nginx_modules_stream_map nginx_modules_stream_return nginx_modules_stream_split_clients nginx_modules_stream_upstream_hash nginx_modules_stream_upstream_least_conn nginx_modules_stream_upstream_zone nginx_modules_stream_geoip nginx_modules_stream_realip nginx_modules_stream_ssl_preread nginx_modules_mail_imap nginx_modules_mail_pop3 nginx_modules_mail_smtp nginx_modules_http_auth_ldap nginx_modules_http_auth_pam nginx_modules_http_brotli nginx_modules_http_cache_purge nginx_modules_http_dav_ext nginx_modules_http_echo nginx_modules_http_fancyindex nginx_modules_http_geoip2 nginx_modules_http_headers_more nginx_modules_http_javascript nginx_modules_http_lua nginx_modules_http_memc nginx_modules_http_metrics nginx_modules_http_mogilefs nginx_modules_http_naxsi nginx_modules_http_push_stream nginx_modules_http_security nginx_modules_http_slowfs_cache nginx_modules_http_sticky nginx_modules_http_upload_progress nginx_modules_http_upstream_check nginx_modules_http_vhost_traffic_status nginx_modules_http_vod nginx_modules_http_zip nginx_modules_stream_geoip2 nginx_modules_stream_javascript nginx_modules_http_spdy +lua_single_target_luajit

    View      Download      Browse     License: BSD-2 BSD SSLeay MIT GPL-2 GPL-2+ nginx_modules_http_security? ( Apache-2.0 ) nginx_modules_http_push_stream? ( GPL-3 )   
    Overlay: ubuilds
  • nginx-1.26.2-r2
    amd64 arm arm64 ~loong ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux
    aio debug +http +http2 http3 +http-cache ktls libatomic pcre +pcre2 pcre-jit rtmp selinux ssl test threads vim-syntax +nginx_modules_http_access +nginx_modules_http_auth_basic +nginx_modules_http_autoindex +nginx_modules_http_browser +nginx_modules_http_charset +nginx_modules_http_empty_gif +nginx_modules_http_fastcgi +nginx_modules_http_geo +nginx_modules_http_grpc +nginx_modules_http_gzip +nginx_modules_http_limit_req +nginx_modules_http_limit_conn +nginx_modules_http_map +nginx_modules_http_memcached +nginx_modules_http_mirror +nginx_modules_http_proxy +nginx_modules_http_referer +nginx_modules_http_rewrite +nginx_modules_http_scgi +nginx_modules_http_ssi +nginx_modules_http_split_clients +nginx_modules_http_upstream_hash +nginx_modules_http_upstream_ip_hash +nginx_modules_http_upstream_keepalive +nginx_modules_http_upstream_least_conn +nginx_modules_http_upstream_zone +nginx_modules_http_userid +nginx_modules_http_uwsgi nginx_modules_http_addition nginx_modules_http_auth_request nginx_modules_http_dav nginx_modules_http_degradation nginx_modules_http_flv nginx_modules_http_geoip nginx_modules_http_gunzip nginx_modules_http_gzip_static nginx_modules_http_image_filter nginx_modules_http_mp4 nginx_modules_http_perl nginx_modules_http_random_index nginx_modules_http_realip nginx_modules_http_secure_link nginx_modules_http_slice nginx_modules_http_stub_status nginx_modules_http_sub nginx_modules_http_xslt nginx_modules_stream_access nginx_modules_stream_geo nginx_modules_stream_limit_conn nginx_modules_stream_map nginx_modules_stream_return nginx_modules_stream_split_clients nginx_modules_stream_upstream_hash nginx_modules_stream_upstream_least_conn nginx_modules_stream_upstream_zone nginx_modules_stream_geoip nginx_modules_stream_realip nginx_modules_stream_ssl_preread nginx_modules_mail_imap nginx_modules_mail_pop3 nginx_modules_mail_smtp nginx_modules_http_auth_ldap nginx_modules_http_auth_pam nginx_modules_http_brotli nginx_modules_http_cache_purge nginx_modules_http_dav_ext nginx_modules_http_echo nginx_modules_http_fancyindex nginx_modules_http_geoip2 nginx_modules_http_headers_more nginx_modules_http_javascript nginx_modules_http_lua nginx_modules_http_memc nginx_modules_http_metrics nginx_modules_http_mogilefs nginx_modules_http_naxsi nginx_modules_http_push_stream nginx_modules_http_security nginx_modules_http_slowfs_cache nginx_modules_http_sticky nginx_modules_http_upload_progress nginx_modules_http_upstream_check nginx_modules_http_vhost_traffic_status nginx_modules_http_vod nginx_modules_stream_geoip2 nginx_modules_stream_javascript nginx_modules_http_spdy +lua_single_target_luajit

    View      Download      Browse     License: BSD-2 BSD SSLeay MIT GPL-2 GPL-2+ nginx_modules_http_security? ( Apache-2.0 ) nginx_modules_http_push_stream? ( GPL-3 )   
    Overlay: gentoo
  • nginx-1.26.0-r1
    ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~loong ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux
    aio debug +http +http2 http3 +http-cache ktls libatomic pcre +pcre2 pcre-jit rtmp selinux ssl test threads vim-syntax +nginx_modules_http_access +nginx_modules_http_auth_basic +nginx_modules_http_autoindex +nginx_modules_http_browser +nginx_modules_http_charset +nginx_modules_http_empty_gif +nginx_modules_http_fastcgi +nginx_modules_http_geo +nginx_modules_http_grpc +nginx_modules_http_gzip +nginx_modules_http_limit_req +nginx_modules_http_limit_conn +nginx_modules_http_map +nginx_modules_http_memcached +nginx_modules_http_mirror +nginx_modules_http_proxy +nginx_modules_http_referer +nginx_modules_http_rewrite +nginx_modules_http_scgi +nginx_modules_http_ssi +nginx_modules_http_split_clients +nginx_modules_http_upstream_hash +nginx_modules_http_upstream_ip_hash +nginx_modules_http_upstream_keepalive +nginx_modules_http_upstream_least_conn +nginx_modules_http_upstream_zone +nginx_modules_http_userid +nginx_modules_http_uwsgi nginx_modules_http_addition nginx_modules_http_auth_request nginx_modules_http_dav nginx_modules_http_degradation nginx_modules_http_flv nginx_modules_http_geoip nginx_modules_http_gunzip nginx_modules_http_gzip_static nginx_modules_http_image_filter nginx_modules_http_mp4 nginx_modules_http_perl nginx_modules_http_random_index nginx_modules_http_realip nginx_modules_http_secure_link nginx_modules_http_slice nginx_modules_http_stub_status nginx_modules_http_sub nginx_modules_http_xslt nginx_modules_stream_access nginx_modules_stream_geo nginx_modules_stream_limit_conn nginx_modules_stream_map nginx_modules_stream_return nginx_modules_stream_split_clients nginx_modules_stream_upstream_hash nginx_modules_stream_upstream_least_conn nginx_modules_stream_upstream_zone nginx_modules_stream_geoip nginx_modules_stream_realip nginx_modules_stream_ssl_preread nginx_modules_mail_imap nginx_modules_mail_pop3 nginx_modules_mail_smtp nginx_modules_http_auth_ldap nginx_modules_http_auth_pam nginx_modules_http_brotli nginx_modules_http_cache_purge nginx_modules_http_dav_ext nginx_modules_http_echo nginx_modules_http_fancyindex nginx_modules_http_geoip2 nginx_modules_http_headers_more nginx_modules_http_javascript nginx_modules_http_lua nginx_modules_http_memc nginx_modules_http_metrics nginx_modules_http_mogilefs nginx_modules_http_naxsi nginx_modules_http_push_stream nginx_modules_http_security nginx_modules_http_slowfs_cache nginx_modules_http_sticky nginx_modules_http_upload_progress nginx_modules_http_upstream_check nginx_modules_http_vhost_traffic_status nginx_modules_http_vod nginx_modules_http_zip nginx_modules_stream_geoip2 nginx_modules_stream_javascript nginx_modules_http_spdy +lua_single_target_luajit

    View      Download      Browse     License: BSD-2 BSD SSLeay MIT GPL-2 GPL-2+ nginx_modules_http_security? ( Apache-2.0 ) nginx_modules_http_push_stream? ( GPL-3 )   
    Overlay: ubuilds
  • nginx-1.25.4-r1
    ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~loong ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux
    aio debug +http +http2 http3 +http-cache ktls libatomic pcre +pcre2 pcre-jit rtmp selinux ssl test threads vim-syntax +nginx_modules_http_access +nginx_modules_http_auth_basic +nginx_modules_http_autoindex +nginx_modules_http_browser +nginx_modules_http_charset +nginx_modules_http_empty_gif +nginx_modules_http_fastcgi +nginx_modules_http_geo +nginx_modules_http_grpc +nginx_modules_http_gzip +nginx_modules_http_limit_req +nginx_modules_http_limit_conn +nginx_modules_http_map +nginx_modules_http_memcached +nginx_modules_http_mirror +nginx_modules_http_proxy +nginx_modules_http_referer +nginx_modules_http_rewrite +nginx_modules_http_scgi +nginx_modules_http_ssi +nginx_modules_http_split_clients +nginx_modules_http_upstream_hash +nginx_modules_http_upstream_ip_hash +nginx_modules_http_upstream_keepalive +nginx_modules_http_upstream_least_conn +nginx_modules_http_upstream_zone +nginx_modules_http_userid +nginx_modules_http_uwsgi nginx_modules_http_addition nginx_modules_http_auth_request nginx_modules_http_dav nginx_modules_http_degradation nginx_modules_http_flv nginx_modules_http_geoip nginx_modules_http_gunzip nginx_modules_http_gzip_static nginx_modules_http_image_filter nginx_modules_http_mp4 nginx_modules_http_perl nginx_modules_http_random_index nginx_modules_http_realip nginx_modules_http_secure_link nginx_modules_http_slice nginx_modules_http_stub_status nginx_modules_http_sub nginx_modules_http_xslt nginx_modules_stream_access nginx_modules_stream_geo nginx_modules_stream_limit_conn nginx_modules_stream_map nginx_modules_stream_return nginx_modules_stream_split_clients nginx_modules_stream_upstream_hash nginx_modules_stream_upstream_least_conn nginx_modules_stream_upstream_zone nginx_modules_stream_geoip nginx_modules_stream_realip nginx_modules_stream_ssl_preread nginx_modules_mail_imap nginx_modules_mail_pop3 nginx_modules_mail_smtp nginx_modules_http_auth_ldap nginx_modules_http_auth_pam nginx_modules_http_brotli nginx_modules_http_cache_purge nginx_modules_http_dav_ext nginx_modules_http_echo nginx_modules_http_fancyindex nginx_modules_http_geoip2 nginx_modules_http_headers_more nginx_modules_http_javascript nginx_modules_http_lua nginx_modules_http_memc nginx_modules_http_metrics nginx_modules_http_mogilefs nginx_modules_http_naxsi nginx_modules_http_push_stream nginx_modules_http_security nginx_modules_http_slowfs_cache nginx_modules_http_sticky nginx_modules_http_upload_progress nginx_modules_http_upstream_check nginx_modules_http_vhost_traffic_status nginx_modules_http_zip nginx_modules_stream_geoip2 nginx_modules_stream_javascript nginx_modules_http_spdy +lua_single_target_luajit

    View      Download      Browse     License: BSD-2 BSD SSLeay MIT GPL-2 GPL-2+ nginx_modules_http_security? ( Apache-2.0 ) nginx_modules_http_push_stream? ( GPL-3 )   
    Overlay: ubuilds
  • nginx-1.23.3-r1
    amd64 ~arm arm64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux
    aio debug +http +http2 +http-cache libatomic pcre +pcre2 pcre-jit rtmp selinux ssl threads vim-syntax +nginx_modules_http_access +nginx_modules_http_auth_basic +nginx_modules_http_autoindex +nginx_modules_http_browser +nginx_modules_http_charset +nginx_modules_http_empty_gif +nginx_modules_http_fastcgi +nginx_modules_http_geo +nginx_modules_http_grpc +nginx_modules_http_gzip +nginx_modules_http_limit_req +nginx_modules_http_limit_conn +nginx_modules_http_map +nginx_modules_http_memcached +nginx_modules_http_mirror +nginx_modules_http_proxy +nginx_modules_http_referer +nginx_modules_http_rewrite +nginx_modules_http_scgi +nginx_modules_http_ssi +nginx_modules_http_split_clients +nginx_modules_http_upstream_hash +nginx_modules_http_upstream_ip_hash +nginx_modules_http_upstream_keepalive +nginx_modules_http_upstream_least_conn +nginx_modules_http_upstream_zone +nginx_modules_http_userid +nginx_modules_http_uwsgi nginx_modules_http_addition nginx_modules_http_auth_request nginx_modules_http_dav nginx_modules_http_degradation nginx_modules_http_flv nginx_modules_http_geoip nginx_modules_http_gunzip nginx_modules_http_gzip_static nginx_modules_http_image_filter nginx_modules_http_mp4 nginx_modules_http_perl nginx_modules_http_random_index nginx_modules_http_realip nginx_modules_http_secure_link nginx_modules_http_slice nginx_modules_http_stub_status nginx_modules_http_sub nginx_modules_http_xslt nginx_modules_stream_access nginx_modules_stream_geo nginx_modules_stream_limit_conn nginx_modules_stream_map nginx_modules_stream_return nginx_modules_stream_split_clients nginx_modules_stream_upstream_hash nginx_modules_stream_upstream_least_conn nginx_modules_stream_upstream_zone nginx_modules_stream_geoip nginx_modules_stream_realip nginx_modules_stream_ssl_preread nginx_modules_mail_imap nginx_modules_mail_pop3 nginx_modules_mail_smtp nginx_modules_http_auth_ldap nginx_modules_http_auth_pam nginx_modules_http_brotli nginx_modules_http_cache_purge nginx_modules_http_dav_ext nginx_modules_http_echo nginx_modules_http_fancyindex nginx_modules_http_geoip2 nginx_modules_http_headers_more nginx_modules_http_javascript nginx_modules_http_lua nginx_modules_http_memc nginx_modules_http_metrics nginx_modules_http_mogilefs nginx_modules_http_naxsi nginx_modules_http_push_stream nginx_modules_http_security nginx_modules_http_slowfs_cache nginx_modules_http_sticky nginx_modules_http_upload_progress nginx_modules_http_upstream_check nginx_modules_http_vhost_traffic_status nginx_modules_stream_geoip2 nginx_modules_stream_javascript nginx_modules_http_spdy +lua_single_target_luajit

    View      Download      Browse     License: BSD-2 BSD SSLeay MIT GPL-2 GPL-2+ nginx_modules_http_security? ( Apache-2.0 ) nginx_modules_http_push_stream? ( GPL-3 )   
    Overlay: ubuilds
  • nginx-1.20.2
    ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux
    aio debug +http +http2 +http-cache +ipv6 libatomic +pcre pcre-jit rtmp selinux ssl threads vim-syntax +nginx_modules_http_access +nginx_modules_http_auth_basic +nginx_modules_http_autoindex +nginx_modules_http_browser +nginx_modules_http_charset +nginx_modules_http_empty_gif +nginx_modules_http_fastcgi +nginx_modules_http_geo +nginx_modules_http_grpc +nginx_modules_http_gzip +nginx_modules_http_limit_req +nginx_modules_http_limit_conn +nginx_modules_http_map +nginx_modules_http_memcached +nginx_modules_http_mirror +nginx_modules_http_proxy +nginx_modules_http_referer +nginx_modules_http_rewrite +nginx_modules_http_scgi +nginx_modules_http_ssi +nginx_modules_http_split_clients +nginx_modules_http_upstream_hash +nginx_modules_http_upstream_ip_hash +nginx_modules_http_upstream_keepalive +nginx_modules_http_upstream_least_conn +nginx_modules_http_upstream_zone +nginx_modules_http_userid +nginx_modules_http_uwsgi nginx_modules_http_addition nginx_modules_http_auth_request nginx_modules_http_dav nginx_modules_http_degradation nginx_modules_http_flv nginx_modules_http_geoip nginx_modules_http_gunzip nginx_modules_http_gzip_static nginx_modules_http_image_filter nginx_modules_http_mp4 nginx_modules_http_perl nginx_modules_http_random_index nginx_modules_http_realip nginx_modules_http_secure_link nginx_modules_http_slice nginx_modules_http_stub_status nginx_modules_http_sub nginx_modules_http_xslt nginx_modules_stream_access nginx_modules_stream_geo nginx_modules_stream_limit_conn nginx_modules_stream_map nginx_modules_stream_return nginx_modules_stream_split_clients nginx_modules_stream_upstream_hash nginx_modules_stream_upstream_least_conn nginx_modules_stream_upstream_zone nginx_modules_stream_geoip nginx_modules_stream_realip nginx_modules_stream_ssl_preread nginx_modules_mail_imap nginx_modules_mail_pop3 nginx_modules_mail_smtp nginx_modules_http_auth_ldap nginx_modules_http_auth_pam nginx_modules_http_brotli nginx_modules_http_cache_purge nginx_modules_http_dav_ext nginx_modules_http_echo nginx_modules_http_fancyindex nginx_modules_http_geoip2 nginx_modules_http_headers_more nginx_modules_http_javascript nginx_modules_http_lua nginx_modules_http_memc nginx_modules_http_metrics nginx_modules_http_mogilefs nginx_modules_http_naxsi nginx_modules_http_push_stream nginx_modules_http_slowfs_cache nginx_modules_http_sticky nginx_modules_http_upload_progress nginx_modules_http_upstream_check nginx_modules_http_early_hints nginx_modules_http_vhost_traffic_status nginx_modules_stream_geoip2 nginx_modules_stream_javascript nginx_modules_http_spdy +lua_single_target_luajit

    View      Download      Browse     License: BSD-2 BSD SSLeay MIT GPL-2 GPL-2+ nginx_modules_http_push_stream? ( GPL-3 )   
    Overlay: ubuilds
  • nginx-1.8.1
    amd64 x86
    aio debug +http +http-cache ipv6 libatomic luajit +pcre pcre-jit rtmp selinux ssl userland_GNU vim-syntax +nginx_modules_http_access +nginx_modules_http_auth_basic +nginx_modules_http_autoindex +nginx_modules_http_browser +nginx_modules_http_charset +nginx_modules_http_empty_gif +nginx_modules_http_fastcgi +nginx_modules_http_geo +nginx_modules_http_gzip +nginx_modules_http_limit_req +nginx_modules_http_limit_conn +nginx_modules_http_map +nginx_modules_http_memcached +nginx_modules_http_proxy +nginx_modules_http_referer +nginx_modules_http_rewrite +nginx_modules_http_scgi +nginx_modules_http_ssi +nginx_modules_http_split_clients +nginx_modules_http_upstream_ip_hash +nginx_modules_http_userid +nginx_modules_http_uwsgi nginx_modules_http_addition nginx_modules_http_auth_request nginx_modules_http_dav nginx_modules_http_degradation nginx_modules_http_flv nginx_modules_http_geoip nginx_modules_http_gunzip nginx_modules_http_gzip_static nginx_modules_http_image_filter nginx_modules_http_mp4 nginx_modules_http_perl nginx_modules_http_random_index nginx_modules_http_realip nginx_modules_http_secure_link nginx_modules_http_spdy nginx_modules_http_stub_status nginx_modules_http_sub nginx_modules_http_xslt nginx_modules_mail_imap nginx_modules_mail_pop3 nginx_modules_mail_smtp nginx_modules_http_upload_progress nginx_modules_http_headers_more nginx_modules_http_cache_purge nginx_modules_http_slowfs_cache nginx_modules_http_fancyindex nginx_modules_http_lua nginx_modules_http_auth_pam nginx_modules_http_upstream_check nginx_modules_http_metrics nginx_modules_http_naxsi nginx_modules_http_dav_ext nginx_modules_http_echo nginx_modules_http_security nginx_modules_http_push_stream nginx_modules_http_sticky nginx_modules_http_ajp nginx_modules_http_mogilefs ssl

    View      Download      Browse     License: BSD-2 BSD SSLeay MIT GPL-2 GPL-2+ nginx_modules_http_security? ( Apache-2.0 ) nginx_modules_http_push_stream? ( GPL-3 )   
    Overlay: argent-main
  • nginx-1.7.12
    amd64 x86
    aio debug +http +http-cache ipv6 libatomic luajit +pcre pcre-jit rtmp selinux ssl userland_GNU vim-syntax +nginx_modules_http_access +nginx_modules_http_auth_basic +nginx_modules_http_autoindex +nginx_modules_http_browser +nginx_modules_http_charset +nginx_modules_http_empty_gif +nginx_modules_http_fastcgi +nginx_modules_http_geo +nginx_modules_http_gzip +nginx_modules_http_limit_req +nginx_modules_http_limit_conn +nginx_modules_http_map +nginx_modules_http_memcached +nginx_modules_http_proxy +nginx_modules_http_referer +nginx_modules_http_rewrite +nginx_modules_http_scgi +nginx_modules_http_ssi +nginx_modules_http_split_clients +nginx_modules_http_upstream_ip_hash +nginx_modules_http_userid +nginx_modules_http_uwsgi nginx_modules_http_addition nginx_modules_http_auth_request nginx_modules_http_dav nginx_modules_http_degradation nginx_modules_http_flv nginx_modules_http_geoip nginx_modules_http_gunzip nginx_modules_http_gzip_static nginx_modules_http_image_filter nginx_modules_http_mp4 nginx_modules_http_perl nginx_modules_http_random_index nginx_modules_http_realip nginx_modules_http_secure_link nginx_modules_http_spdy nginx_modules_http_stub_status nginx_modules_http_sub nginx_modules_http_xslt nginx_modules_mail_imap nginx_modules_mail_pop3 nginx_modules_mail_smtp nginx_modules_http_upload_progress nginx_modules_http_headers_more nginx_modules_http_cache_purge nginx_modules_http_slowfs_cache nginx_modules_http_fancyindex nginx_modules_http_lua nginx_modules_http_auth_pam nginx_modules_http_upstream_check nginx_modules_http_metrics nginx_modules_http_naxsi nginx_modules_http_dav_ext nginx_modules_http_echo nginx_modules_http_security nginx_modules_http_push_stream nginx_modules_http_sticky nginx_modules_http_ajp nginx_modules_http_mogilefs ssl

    View      Download      Browse     License: BSD-2 BSD SSLeay MIT GPL-2 GPL-2+ nginx_modules_http_security? ( Apache-2.0 ) nginx_modules_http_push_stream? ( GPL-3 )   
    Overlay: argent-main
  • nginx-1.4.7
    amd64 x86
    aio debug +http +http-cache ipv6 libatomic +pcre pcre-jit rtmp selinux ssl syslog userland_GNU vim-syntax +nginx_modules_http_access +nginx_modules_http_auth_basic +nginx_modules_http_autoindex +nginx_modules_http_browser +nginx_modules_http_charset +nginx_modules_http_empty_gif +nginx_modules_http_fastcgi +nginx_modules_http_geo +nginx_modules_http_gzip +nginx_modules_http_limit_req +nginx_modules_http_limit_conn +nginx_modules_http_map +nginx_modules_http_memcached +nginx_modules_http_proxy +nginx_modules_http_referer +nginx_modules_http_rewrite +nginx_modules_http_scgi +nginx_modules_http_ssi +nginx_modules_http_split_clients +nginx_modules_http_upstream_ip_hash +nginx_modules_http_userid +nginx_modules_http_uwsgi nginx_modules_http_addition nginx_modules_http_dav nginx_modules_http_degradation nginx_modules_http_flv nginx_modules_http_geoip nginx_modules_http_gunzip nginx_modules_http_gzip_static nginx_modules_http_image_filter nginx_modules_http_mp4 nginx_modules_http_perl nginx_modules_http_random_index nginx_modules_http_realip nginx_modules_http_secure_link nginx_modules_http_spdy nginx_modules_http_stub_status nginx_modules_http_sub nginx_modules_http_xslt nginx_modules_mail_imap nginx_modules_mail_pop3 nginx_modules_mail_smtp nginx_modules_http_upload_progress nginx_modules_http_headers_more nginx_modules_http_push nginx_modules_http_cache_purge nginx_modules_http_slowfs_cache nginx_modules_http_fancyindex nginx_modules_http_lua nginx_modules_http_auth_pam nginx_modules_http_upstream_check nginx_modules_http_metrics nginx_modules_http_naxsi nginx_modules_http_dav_ext nginx_modules_http_echo nginx_modules_http_security nginx_modules_http_push_stream ssl

    View      Download      Browse     License: BSD-2 BSD SSLeay MIT GPL-2 GPL-2+ nginx_modules_http_security? ( Apache-2.0 ) nginx_modules_http_push_stream? ( GPL-3 )   
    Overlay: argent-main


# ChangeLog for www-servers/nginx
# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-servers/nginx/ChangeLog,v 1.384 2014/07/13 15:26:32 jer Exp $

13 Jul 2014; Jeroen Roovers <> metadata.xml:
Add proxy-maint.

06 Jul 2014; Michał Górny <> nginx-1.7.2.ebuild:
Replace obsolete mirror://bitbucket with the real URI.

*nginx-1.7.2 (19 Jun 2014)

19 Jun 2014; Tiziano Müller <> +files/check_1.7.2+.patch,
+files/nginx.logrotate-r1, +nginx-1.7.2.ebuild:
Version bump (bug #508810), including fixes for bugs #508650 (delaycompress
for logrotate) and #510040 (use /usr/$(get_libdir)). Thanks to jbergstroem for
providing the bump, testing and patching.

*nginx-1.5.13 (15 Apr 2014)
*nginx-1.4.7-r1 (15 Apr 2014)

15 Apr 2014; Tiziano Müller <>
+files/upstream-check-1.5.13.patch, +nginx-1.4.7-r1.ebuild,
+nginx-1.5.13.ebuild, -nginx-1.5.10.ebuild, -nginx-1.5.7-r1.ebuild:
Version bump for mainline (1.5.13, bug #503414), drop syslog-patch (no version
available for nginx-1.5) and old push-module (use push_stream instead) and add
ajp, sticky modules. Drop old/vulnerable mainline versions. Add rev-bump for
stable series (1.4.7-r1) to fix compilation problems with
USE=nginx_modules_http_security (bugs #506690, #506804). Thanks to jbergstroem
for providing the initial bump including the new modules and a lot of testing.

29 Mar 2014; Agostino Sarubbo <> -nginx-1.4.4.ebuild:
Remove old

29 Mar 2014; Agostino Sarubbo <> nginx-1.4.7.ebuild:
Stable for x86, wrt bug #505018

29 Mar 2014; Agostino Sarubbo <> nginx-1.4.7.ebuild:
Stable for amd64, wrt bug #505018

*nginx-1.4.7 (28 Mar 2014)

28 Mar 2014; Tiziano Müller <> +nginx-1.4.7.ebuild:
Version bump (bug #503414 and security bug #505018). Thanks to jbergstroem for
providing the initial bump and testing.

*nginx-1.5.10 (10 Feb 2014)

10 Feb 2014; Jason A. Donenfeld <>
+files/upstream-check-1.5.8.patch, +nginx-1.5.10.ebuild:
Provisonal version bump.

*nginx-1.5.7-r1 (21 Nov 2013)

21 Nov 2013; Tiziano Müller <> +nginx-1.5.7-r1.ebuild,
-files/nginx.service, -nginx-1.5.7.ebuild:
Drop unused service unit. Bump modules: headers_more 0.22->0.23, fancyindex
0.3.2->0.3.3, lua 0.9.0->0.9.2, naxsi 0.52-1->0.53.1, rtmp 1.0.5->1.0.6, echo
0.48->0.49, push_stream 0.3.5->0.4.0. Thanks to jbergstroem for putting the
list together and testing.

20 Nov 2013; Tiziano Müller <> -nginx-1.4.1-r5.ebuild,
-nginx-1.4.3.ebuild, -nginx-1.5.6.ebuild:
Remove vulnerable version.

20 Nov 2013; Agostino Sarubbo <> nginx-1.4.4.ebuild:
Stable for x86, wrt bug #491684

20 Nov 2013; Agostino Sarubbo <> nginx-1.4.4.ebuild:
Stable for amd64, wrt bug #491684

*nginx-1.5.7 (19 Nov 2013)
*nginx-1.4.4 (19 Nov 2013)

19 Nov 2013; Tiziano Müller <> +nginx-1.4.4.ebuild,
Version bump for security bug #490558 (CVE-2013-4547), also fix bug #490558 by
passing pcre-jit and lua USE flags as options to the mod_security standalone
build script.

*nginx-1.5.6 (24 Oct 2013)

24 Oct 2013; Tiziano Müller <> +nginx-1.5.6.ebuild,
-nginx-1.4.1-r2.ebuild, -nginx-1.4.1-r3.ebuild, -nginx-1.4.1-r4.ebuild,
Version bump for nginx mainline/development version branch (bug #472524,
thanks to jbergstroem for the havily lifting). Drop syslog patch for now since
it fails to apply to nginx-1.5.x. Drop the http_push module completely since
upstream is dead, use http_push_stream instead. Drop obsolete verisons.

*nginx-1.4.3 (17 Oct 2013)

17 Oct 2013; Tiziano Müller <> +nginx-1.4.3.ebuild,
-nginx-1.4.2-r1.ebuild, -nginx-1.4.2.ebuild, metadata.xml:
Version bump (bug #472524), also updated the following modules (thanks to
jbergstroem): syslog-module (0.25), devel-kit (0.2.19), lua (0.9.0), rtmp
(1.0.5). Added jbergstroem as co-maintainer.

*nginx-1.4.2-r1 (01 Oct 2013)

01 Oct 2013; Tiziano Müller <> +nginx-1.4.2-r1.ebuild:
Add push_stream module (bug #471754), warn only about permissions if the nginx
user can not access it (refinement for bug #473036), do not install config
files/keepdir for unused modules (bug #473864, thanks to jbergstroem).

*nginx-1.4.2 (27 Sep 2013)

27 Sep 2013; Tiziano Müller <>
+files/modsecurity-2.7.5-include-paths.patch, +nginx-1.4.2.ebuild:
Version bump for stable nginx branch (bug #472524), also update the following
modules to latest: headers_more, fancyindex (fixes bug #478402), auth_pam,
upstream_check, naxsi, rtmp. Add new modules: echo (bug #471314), modsecurity
(bug #484370). Building metrics requires stub_status (bug #480952). Warn the
user to check the ownership on the log directory (bug #473036, may be improved
by checking the permissions explicitly).

14 Sep 2013; Agostino Sarubbo <> nginx-1.4.1-r5.ebuild:
Stable for x86, wrt bug #476688

05 Sep 2013; Agostino Sarubbo <> nginx-1.4.1-r5.ebuild:
Stable for amd64, wrt bug #476688

20 Jun 2013; Benedikt Böhm <> metadata.xml:
remove myself from maintainers

02 Jun 2013; Naohiro Aota <> nginx-1.4.1-r5.ebuild:
Use group id 0 instead of group name root, which is not portable. #462214

*nginx-1.4.1-r5 (23 May 2013)

23 May 2013; Tiziano Müller <> +nginx-1.4.1-r5.ebuild,
Set permissions for /var/lib/nginx/tmp to 0750 instead of 0700 to avoid a
problem with SELinux. Add 3rd-party modules rtmp (bug #427194), dav-ext (bug
#442610). Bump fancyindex (bug #470824, usptream moved to Github).

14 May 2013; Tiziano Müller <> nginx-1.4.1-r4.ebuild:
Fix pcre dependency for naxsi by using a REQUIRED_USE.

*nginx-1.4.1-r4 (14 May 2013)

14 May 2013; Tiziano Müller <> +nginx-1.4.1-r4.ebuild:
Add support for naxsi (bug #397587).

*nginx-1.4.1-r3 (14 May 2013)

14 May 2013; Tiziano Müller <> +files/nginx.service-r1,
+nginx-1.4.1-r3.ebuild, -files/nginx.initd, -files/nginx.initd-r1,
-files/nginx.tmpfiles, -files/nginx.tmpfiles-r1:
Fix systemd unit due to removed tmpfiles (bug #469784). Remove left-overs from

13 May 2013; Agostino Sarubbo <> -nginx-1.2.6-r1.ebuild,
-nginx-1.2.8.ebuild, -nginx-1.4.1-r1.ebuild, -nginx-1.4.1.ebuild:
Remove old

13 May 2013; Agostino Sarubbo <> nginx-1.4.1-r2.ebuild:
Stable for x86, wrt bug #468870

13 May 2013; Agostino Sarubbo <> nginx-1.4.1-r2.ebuild:
Stable for amd64, wrt bug #468870

13 May 2013; Jason A. Donenfeld <> nginx-1.4.1-r2.ebuild:
Use epatch_user to allow custom patches from users.

*nginx-1.4.1-r2 (13 May 2013)

13 May 2013; Tiziano Müller <>
+files/nginx-1.4.1-fix-perl-install-path.patch, +files/nginx.initd-r2,
Set permissions for log- and tmp-dir in ebuild only, including a one-time
postinst-fix for bug #469094, resp. bug #458726. Moved the tmp-dirs to
/var/lib/nginx/tmp and set the nginx-homedir to /var/lib/nginx (following the
other distros here). Fix perl-module installation to use /usr instead of
/usr/local for PREFIX.

11 May 2013; Markus Meier <> nginx-1.4.1-r1.ebuild:
add ~arm, bug #456752

*nginx-1.4.1-r1 (08 May 2013)

08 May 2013; Tiziano Müller <> +files/nginx.initd-r1,
+files/nginx.tmpfiles-r1, +nginx-1.4.1-r1.ebuild, -nginx-1.4.0-r1.ebuild,
Drop vulnerable versions, fix bug #458726 again for /var/tmp/nginx and
stricter default permissions for /var/log/nginx.

*nginx-1.4.1 (08 May 2013)

08 May 2013; Tiziano Müller <> +nginx-1.4.1.ebuild:
Version bump for bug #468870, added gunzip flag (bug #468770), bumped
devel_kit to 0.2.18, headers_more to 0.20, slowfs_cache to 1.10.

*nginx-1.4.0-r1 (02 May 2013)

02 May 2013; Benedikt Böhm <> +nginx-1.4.0-r1.ebuild,
fix lua module compatibility; add check_upstream and metrics module

*nginx-1.4.0 (25 Apr 2013)

25 Apr 2013; Benedikt Böhm <> nginx-1.2.8.ebuild,
-nginx-1.3.11.ebuild, -nginx-1.3.15.ebuild, -nginx-1.3.16.ebuild,
+nginx-1.4.0.ebuild, +files/nginx.service, +files/nginx.tmpfiles,
version bump. fixes #446734, #462214, #467106, #466526, #466246

*nginx-1.3.16 (19 Apr 2013)

19 Apr 2013; Patrick Lauer <> +nginx-1.3.16.ebuild:
Bump for #456224

*nginx-1.2.8 (19 Apr 2013)

19 Apr 2013; Patrick Lauer <> +nginx-1.2.8.ebuild:
Bump to 1.2.8 #456224

*nginx-1.3.15 (31 Mar 2013)

31 Mar 2013; Robin H. Johnson <> +nginx-1.3.15.ebuild,
Version bump per bug #456224, as requested by

18 Feb 2013; Alexis Ballier <> nginx-1.2.6-r1.ebuild,
keyword ~amd64-fbsd

20 Jan 2013; Agostino Sarubbo <> -nginx-1.2.5.ebuild,
Remove old

20 Jan 2013; Agostino Sarubbo <> nginx-1.2.6-r1.ebuild:
Stable for amd64, wrt bug #453218

20 Jan 2013; Agostino Sarubbo <> nginx-1.2.6-r1.ebuild:
Stable for x86, wrt bug #453218

*nginx-1.3.11 (13 Jan 2013)
*nginx-1.2.6-r1 (13 Jan 2013)

13 Jan 2013; Benedikt Böhm <> +nginx-1.2.6-r1.ebuild,
-nginx-1.3.9.ebuild, +nginx-1.3.11.ebuild:
version bump (fixes #449054, #445806 & #449136)

27 Dec 2012; Benedikt Böhm <> files/nginx.initd:
fix #448712

*nginx-1.3.9 (24 Dec 2012)
*nginx-1.2.6 (24 Dec 2012)

24 Dec 2012; Benedikt Böhm <> nginx-1.2.5.ebuild,
+nginx-1.2.6.ebuild, -nginx-1.3.8.ebuild, +nginx-1.3.9.ebuild:
version bump; fixes #448000

20 Dec 2012; Benedikt Böhm <> nginx-1.2.5.ebuild,
nginx-1.3.8.ebuild, files/nginx.initd:
fix #446734

10 Dec 2012; Benedikt Böhm <> -nginx-1.0.15.ebuild,
-nginx-1.2.1.ebuild, nginx-1.2.5.ebuild, nginx-1.3.8.ebuild,
fix #444726, #445930, #446668

26 Nov 2012; Agostino Sarubbo <> nginx-1.2.5.ebuild:
Stable for x86, wrt bug #434324

26 Nov 2012; Agostino Sarubbo <> nginx-1.2.5.ebuild:
Stable for amd64, wrt bug #434324

26 Nov 2012; Benedikt Böhm <> -nginx-1.2.2.ebuild,
-nginx-1.2.4.ebuild, -nginx-1.3.3.ebuild, -nginx-1.3.7.ebuild,
remove old versions and add some path checks to init script

*nginx-1.2.5 (16 Nov 2012)
*nginx-1.3.8 (16 Nov 2012)

16 Nov 2012; Patrick Lauer <> +nginx-1.2.5.ebuild,

*nginx-1.3.7 (26 Oct 2012)
*nginx-1.2.4 (26 Oct 2012)

26 Oct 2012; Patrick Lauer <> +nginx-1.2.4.ebuild,

30 Jul 2012; Benedikt Böhm <> nginx-1.2.2.ebuild,
add lua module + cleanup

30 Jul 2012; Benedikt Böhm <> nginx-1.2.1.ebuild,
nginx-1.2.2.ebuild, -nginx-1.3.1.ebuild, nginx-1.3.3.ebuild:
fix #427464

23 Jul 2012; Jeremy Olexa <> metadata.xml:
remove myself from maintainer, stopped using

*nginx-1.3.3 (18 Jul 2012)
*nginx-1.2.2 (18 Jul 2012)

18 Jul 2012; Benedikt Böhm <> +nginx-1.2.2.ebuild,
+nginx-1.3.3.ebuild, files/nginx.initd:
version bump. fixes #403921, #404239 and #421059

12 Jun 2012; Agostino Sarubbo <> -nginx-1.1.19.ebuild,
Remove old

12 Jun 2012; Agostino Sarubbo <> nginx-1.2.1.ebuild:
Stable for amd64, per darkside request on irc

11 Jun 2012; Andreas Schuerch <> nginx-1.2.1.ebuild:
x86 stable, see bug 419863

*nginx-1.3.1 (06 Jun 2012)

06 Jun 2012; Patrick Lauer <> +nginx-1.3.1.ebuild:
Bump for #411937, temporarily masked

06 Jun 2012; Patrick Lauer <> nginx-1.0.15.ebuild,
nginx-1.1.19.ebuild, nginx-1.2.0.ebuild, nginx-1.2.1.ebuild:
Adding user.eclass inherit

*nginx-1.2.1 (06 Jun 2012)

06 Jun 2012; Patrick Lauer <> +nginx-1.2.1.ebuild:

*nginx-1.2.0 (18 May 2012)

18 May 2012; Jeremy Olexa <> +nginx-1.2.0.ebuild:
Version bump from upstream, new stable candidate. bug 414167 with selinux
mods from bug 416307

18 Apr 2012; Jeremy Olexa <> nginx-1.1.19.ebuild:
Cosmetic changes to align with upstream better. Use Makefile to install. No
revbump needed

18 Apr 2012; Jeremy Olexa <> -nginx-1.0.14.ebuild,
Remove vulnerable version. Document local ssl USE flag

15 Apr 2012; Markus Meier <> nginx-1.0.15.ebuild:
x86 stable, bug #411751

14 Apr 2012; Agostino Sarubbo <> nginx-1.0.15.ebuild:
Stable for amd64, wrt bug #411751

*nginx-1.0.15 (14 Apr 2012)

14 Apr 2012; Benedikt Böhm <> +nginx-1.0.15.ebuild,
version bump wrt #411751

13 Apr 2012; Jeremy Olexa <> -nginx-1.0.10.ebuild,
-nginx-1.1.17.ebuild, -nginx-1.1.18.ebuild, +nginx-1.1.19.ebuild,
Version bump from upstream (security bug 411751), addition of fancyindex
third party module (bug 411663). Cleanup metadata.xml

*nginx-1.1.19 (13 Apr 2012)

13 Apr 2012; Jeremy Olexa <> -nginx-1.1.17.ebuild,
-nginx-1.1.18.ebuild, +nginx-1.1.19.ebuild, metadata.xml:
Version bump from upstream (security bug 411751), addition of fancyindex
third party module (bug 411663). Cleanup metadata.xml

*nginx-1.1.18 (10 Apr 2012)

10 Apr 2012; Patrick Lauer <> +nginx-1.1.18.ebuild:

30 Mar 2012; Patrick Lauer <> nginx-1.1.17.ebuild:
Bump upload_progress module #409099

15 Mar 2012; Agostino Sarubbo <> nginx-1.0.14.ebuild:
Stable for AMD64/X86, wrt security bug #408367

15 Mar 2012; Patrick Lauer <> -nginx-1.0.11.ebuild,
-nginx-1.0.12.ebuild, -nginx-1.1.14.ebuild, -nginx-1.1.16.ebuild:
Removing old versions

*nginx-1.1.17 (15 Mar 2012)
*nginx-1.0.14 (15 Mar 2012)

15 Mar 2012; Patrick Lauer <> +nginx-1.0.14.ebuild,
Bump for #408367

02 Mar 2012; Patrick Lauer <> nginx-1.1.16.ebuild:
Fixing headers_more URI madness #406555

*nginx-1.1.16 (02 Mar 2012)

02 Mar 2012; Patrick Lauer <> +nginx-1.1.16.ebuild,
Bump, closes #403329

*nginx-1.1.14 (11 Feb 2012)
*nginx-1.0.12 (11 Feb 2012)

11 Feb 2012; Benedikt Böhm <> nginx-1.0.10.ebuild,
nginx-1.0.11.ebuild, +nginx-1.0.12.ebuild, -nginx-1.1.12-r1.ebuild,
nginx-1.1.13.ebuild, +nginx-1.1.14.ebuild, +files/nginx.conf,
+files/nginx.initd, -files/nginx.conf-r4, -files/nginx.init-r2:
version bump wrt #402957

*nginx-1.1.13 (29 Jan 2012)
*nginx-1.0.11 (29 Jan 2012)

29 Jan 2012; Benedikt Böhm <> +nginx-1.0.11.ebuild,
-nginx-1.1.8.ebuild, +nginx-1.1.13.ebuild:
version bump wrt #401163

28 Dec 2011; Patrick Lauer <> -nginx-1.1.11.ebuild,
Removing old

*nginx-1.1.12-r1 (28 Dec 2011)

28 Dec 2011; Patrick Lauer <> +nginx-1.1.12-r1.ebuild,
metadata.xml, nginx-1.1.12.ebuild:
Add pcre-jit support

*nginx-1.1.12 (27 Dec 2011)

27 Dec 2011; Patrick Lauer <> +nginx-1.1.12.ebuild:

*nginx-1.1.11 (25 Dec 2011)

25 Dec 2011; Patrick Lauer <> +nginx-1.1.11.ebuild:
Bump for #393119, including bump of http_cache_purge to 1.5

06 Dec 2011; Sven Wegener <> files/nginx.init-r2:
Switch from opts to extra_started_commands.

24 Nov 2011; Benedikt Böhm <> -nginx-1.0.6.ebuild,
-nginx-1.0.8.ebuild, nginx-1.0.10.ebuild, -nginx-1.1.4.ebuild,
add mp4 module wrt #363573; remove old ebuilds

22 Nov 2011; Tony Vroon <> nginx-1.0.10.ebuild:
Marked stable on AMD64 based on arch testing by Agostino "ago" Sarubbo &
Michael "n0idx80" Harrison in security bug #389319.

22 Nov 2011; Pawel Hajdan jr <> nginx-1.0.10.ebuild:
x86 stable wrt bug #389319

*nginx-1.1.8 (20 Nov 2011)
*nginx-1.0.10 (20 Nov 2011)

20 Nov 2011; Benedikt Böhm <> +nginx-1.0.10.ebuild,
version bump wrt #389319

31 Oct 2011; Benedikt Böhm <> nginx-1.0.8.ebuild,
fix location of README for cache purge module

28 Oct 2011; Benedikt Böhm <> nginx-1.0.8.ebuild,
fix commit SHAs from github

*nginx-1.1.6 (28 Oct 2011)
*nginx-1.0.8 (28 Oct 2011)

28 Oct 2011; Benedikt Böhm <>
-files/nginx-0.8.32-ey-balancer.patch, -nginx-1.0.4.ebuild,
+nginx-1.0.8.ebuild, -nginx-1.1.2.ebuild, +nginx-1.1.6.ebuild, metadata.xml:
version bump wrt #385965

04 Oct 2011; Pawel Hajdan jr <> nginx-1.0.6.ebuild:
x86 stable wrt bug #385035

30 Sep 2011; Steve Dibb <> nginx-1.0.6.ebuild:
amd64 stable, bug 385035

*nginx-1.1.4 (30 Sep 2011)

30 Sep 2011; Benedikt Böhm <> -nginx-1.0.5.ebuild,
+nginx-1.1.4.ebuild, metadata.xml:
version bump wrt #383079

09 Sep 2011; Benedikt Böhm <> nginx-1.0.4.ebuild,
nginx-1.0.5.ebuild, nginx-1.0.6.ebuild, nginx-1.1.2.ebuild:
remove ipv6 warning wrt #382393

*nginx-1.1.2 (07 Sep 2011)
*nginx-1.0.6 (07 Sep 2011)

07 Sep 2011; Benedikt Böhm <> +nginx-1.0.6.ebuild,
+nginx-1.1.2.ebuild, files/nginx.init-r2, metadata.xml:
version bump wrt #381153. also fixes bugs #379477, #377713 and #373677.

*nginx-1.0.5 (25 Jul 2011)

25 Jul 2011; Benedikt Böhm <> -nginx-0.8.53.ebuild,
-nginx-0.8.53-r1.ebuild, -nginx-1.0.0.ebuild, -nginx-1.0.0-r1.ebuild,
-nginx-1.0.2.ebuild, +nginx-1.0.5.ebuild,
-files/passenger-3.0.1-missing-include.patch, -files/passenger-CFLAGS.patch:
version bump wrt #375781. cleanup wrt #348501 and #349276.

15 Jul 2011; Markus Meier <> nginx-1.0.4.ebuild:
x86 stable, bug #373633

02 Jul 2011; Markos Chandras <> nginx-1.0.4.ebuild:
Stable on amd64 wrt bug #373633

*nginx-1.0.4 (02 Jun 2011)

02 Jun 2011; Benedikt Böhm <> nginx-1.0.2.ebuild,
version bump wrt #369631. also fixes #369617

24 May 2011; Markus Meier <> nginx-1.0.0-r1.ebuild:
x86 stable, bug #368219

24 May 2011; Markos Chandras <> nginx-1.0.0-r1.ebuild:
Stable on amd64 wrt bug #368219

24 May 2011; Benedikt Böhm <> nginx-0.8.53.ebuild,
nginx-0.8.53-r1.ebuild, nginx-1.0.0.ebuild, nginx-1.0.0-r1.ebuild,
fix USE dependencies for media-libs/gd wrt #368443

19 May 2011; Benedikt Böhm <> nginx-1.0.2.ebuild:
bump cache_purge module to fix build after nginx-1.0.1

*nginx-1.0.2 (18 May 2011)

18 May 2011; Benedikt Böhm <> -nginx-0.9.7.ebuild,
version bump wrt #367207

19 Apr 2011; Benedikt Böhm <>
files/nginx-0.8.32-ey-balancer.patch, nginx-1.0.0-r1.ebuild:
fix QA warnings and wrong README paths

*nginx-1.0.0-r1 (18 Apr 2011)

18 Apr 2011; Benedikt Böhm <>
+files/nginx-0.8.32-ey-balancer.patch, +nginx-1.0.0-r1.ebuild,
add slowfs_cache and ey-balancer modules

*nginx-1.0.0 (12 Apr 2011)

12 Apr 2011; Benedikt Böhm <> +nginx-1.0.0.ebuild:
version bump

*nginx-0.9.7 (08 Apr 2011)

08 Apr 2011; Benedikt Böhm <> -nginx-0.7.65.ebuild,
-nginx-0.7.65-r1.ebuild, -nginx-0.8.52.ebuild, +nginx-0.9.7.ebuild,
files/nginx.logrotate, metadata.xml:
remove old 0.7 series, version bump to 0.9.7: drops passenger support,
adds http_upload module, fixes logrotate when not running

05 Mar 2011; Brent Baude <> nginx-0.8.53.ebuild:
stable ppc, bug 349223

02 Jan 2011; Markos Chandras <> nginx-0.8.53.ebuild:
Stable on amd64 wrt bug #349223

21 Dec 2010; Pawel Hajdan jr <> nginx-0.8.53.ebuild:
x86 stable wrt bug #349223

*nginx-0.8.53-r1 (13 Dec 2010)

13 Dec 2010; Tiziano Müller <> -nginx-0.8.46.ebuild,
-nginx-0.8.47.ebuild, -nginx-0.8.48.ebuild, -nginx-0.8.49.ebuild,
+nginx-0.8.53-r1.ebuild, +files/passenger-3.0.1-cflags.patch,
Revision bump to bump passenger to 3.0.1 (currently p.masked for testing).
Removed old versions.

*nginx-0.8.53 (28 Nov 2010)

28 Nov 2010; Benedikt Böhm <> +nginx-0.8.53.ebuild:
version bump wrt #342979

*nginx-0.8.52 (30 Sep 2010)

30 Sep 2010; Tiziano Müller <> +nginx-0.8.52.ebuild:
Version bump (thanks to Johan Bergström).

19 Sep 2010; Benedikt Böhm <> files/nginx.conf-r4:
default to 1024 worker connections (see #337639)

*nginx-0.8.49 (10 Aug 2010)

10 Aug 2010; Tiziano Müller <> +nginx-0.8.49.ebuild:
Version bump, bail out if cache_purge is used without fastcgi or uwsgi
(upstream is working on a real solution, thanks to jbergstroem).

*nginx-0.8.48 (06 Aug 2010)

06 Aug 2010; Tiziano Müller <> +nginx-0.8.48.ebuild:
Version bump, added cache_purge-module (bug #322061).

*nginx-0.8.47 (29 Jul 2010)

29 Jul 2010; Tiziano Müller <>
-nginx-0.8.36-r1.ebuild, -nginx-0.8.38.ebuild, -nginx-0.8.38-r1.ebuild,
-nginx-0.8.42.ebuild, +nginx-0.8.47.ebuild:
Version bump. Dropped old.

*nginx-0.8.46 (20 Jul 2010)

20 Jul 2010; Tiziano Müller <> +nginx-0.8.46.ebuild:
Version bump (bug #327951, thanks to George), also bumped passenger to
2.2.15 and headers_more to 0.13.

*nginx-0.8.42 (02 Jul 2010)

02 Jul 2010; Tiziano Müller <> +nginx-0.8.42.ebuild:
Version bump (bug #323151, thanks to Johan Bergström).

*nginx-0.8.38-r1 (04 Jun 2010)

04 Jun 2010; Tiziano Müller <>
Bumped uwsgi-module.

04 Jun 2010; Benedikt Böhm <> nginx-0.8.38.ebuild:
bump passenger wrt #322105

30 May 2010; Benedikt Böhm <> nginx-0.8.38.ebuild:
add split_clients module support

*nginx-0.8.38 (30 May 2010)

30 May 2010; Benedikt Böhm <> +nginx-0.8.38.ebuild:
version bump wrt #321681

29 May 2010; Benedikt Böhm <> nginx-0.7.65-r1.ebuild,
-nginx-0.8.34-r1.ebuild, -nginx-0.8.35.ebuild, -nginx-0.8.36.ebuild,
add vim-syntax support wrt #289926

*nginx-0.8.36-r1 (03 May 2010)

03 May 2010; Benedikt Böhm <> +nginx-0.8.36-r1.ebuild:
add uWSGI module wrt bug #314931

*nginx-0.8.36 (26 Apr 2010)

26 Apr 2010; Tiziano Müller <> +nginx-0.8.36.ebuild:
Version bump. Make sure we don't depend on perl unconditionally.

*nginx-0.8.35 (11 Apr 2010)

11 Apr 2010; Tiziano Müller <> +nginx-0.8.35.ebuild,
Version bump. Added the http_push module. Moved libatomic_ops dep to
DEPEND. Added myself as maintainer. Added upstream changelog URL.

26 Mar 2010; Benedikt Böhm <> nginx-0.7.65-r1.ebuild,
fix pcre use flag for real

25 Mar 2010; Benedikt Böhm <> nginx-0.7.65-r1.ebuild,
fix pcre USE flag

*nginx-0.7.65-r1 (25 Mar 2010)

25 Mar 2010; Benedikt Böhm <> -nginx-0.7.64.ebuild,
-nginx-0.7.64-r3.ebuild, nginx-0.7.65.ebuild, +nginx-0.7.65-r1.ebuild,
-nginx-0.8.33.ebuild, -nginx-0.8.34.ebuild, nginx-0.8.34-r1.ebuild,
-files/nginx-r1, metadata.xml:
fix #308175, #308195, #308481 and #311277

21 Mar 2010; Pawel Hajdan jr <> nginx-0.7.65.ebuild:
x86 stable, arch-tested by Andreas Schurch, bug #308175

15 Mar 2010; nixnut <> nginx-0.7.65.ebuild:
ppc stable #308175

07 Mar 2010; Benedikt Böhm <> nginx-0.8.34-r1.ebuild:
fix USE flag typos

*nginx-0.8.34-r1 (07 Mar 2010)

07 Mar 2010; Benedikt Böhm <> +nginx-0.8.34-r1.ebuild,
files/nginx.conf-r4, +files/passenger-CFLAGS.patch, metadata.xml:
rewrite ebuild for USE_EXPAND goodies. fixes #286772, #301513, #303205 and

04 Mar 2010; Benedikt Böhm <> metadata.xml:
take over maintainance wrt #303205

04 Mar 2010; Dirkjan Ochtman <> -nginx-0.5.38.ebuild,
-nginx-0.6.39.ebuild, -nginx-0.7.62.ebuild, -nginx-0.8.31.ebuild,
Clean up old versions.

*nginx-0.8.34 (04 Mar 2010)

04 Mar 2010; Dirkjan Ochtman <> +nginx-0.8.34.ebuild:
Version bump to 0.8.34.

*nginx-0.8.33 (02 Feb 2010)
*nginx-0.7.65 (02 Feb 2010)

02 Feb 2010; Dirkjan Ochtman <> +nginx-0.7.65.ebuild,
Version bump 0.7.x and 0.8.x branches.

01 Feb 2010; Markus Meier <> nginx-0.7.64.ebuild:
amd64 stable, bug #293785

*nginx-0.8.32 (24 Jan 2010)

24 Jan 2010; Dirkjan Ochtman <> -nginx-0.8.29.ebuild,
Simple version bump to 0.8.32, clean out 0.8.29 while we're at it.

03 Jan 2010; Dirkjan Ochtman <> -nginx-0.7.64-r2.ebuild:
Remove superseded 0.7.64-r2.

*nginx-0.8.31 (03 Jan 2010)

03 Jan 2010; Dirkjan Ochtman <> +nginx-0.8.31.ebuild,
Bump to 0.8.31, adding the aio use flag.

*nginx-0.7.64-r3 (03 Jan 2010)

03 Jan 2010; Dirkjan Ochtman <> +nginx-0.7.64-r3.ebuild,
+files/nginx.logrotate, metadata.xml:
Fix bug 296168 (logrotate) and 247474 (realip use flag).

03 Jan 2010; Dirkjan Ochtman <> -nginx-0.7.64-r1.ebuild,
-nginx-0.8.17.ebuild, -files/nginx, -files/nginx.conf,
-files/nginx.conf-r1, -files/nginx.conf-r2, -files/nginx.conf-r3,
Clean up all kinds of old, unused cruft.

*nginx-0.7.64-r2 (03 Jan 2010)

03 Jan 2010; Dirkjan Ochtman <> +nginx-0.7.64-r2.ebuild,
+files/nginx.init-r2, metadata.xml:
Fix bug 272964 and bug 272964 in nginx-0.7.64-r2.

*nginx-0.7.64-r1 (03 Jan 2010)

03 Jan 2010; Dirkjan Ochtman <> +nginx-0.7.64-r1.ebuild,
Fix bugs 241756 (perllocal.pod) and 210086 (mail flags).

03 Jan 2010; Christian Faulhammer <> nginx-0.8.29.ebuild:
revert to testing for x86

02 Jan 2010; Christian Faulhammer <> nginx-0.8.29.ebuild:
stable x86, security bug 293785

02 Jan 2010; Christian Faulhammer <> nginx-0.7.64.ebuild:
stable x86, security bug 293785

01 Jan 2010; Dirkjan Ochtman <> nginx-0.7.64.ebuild,
Fix problems with ssl requirements (see bug 293785 for discussion).

*nginx-0.8.29 (08 Dec 2009)
*nginx-0.7.64 (08 Dec 2009)

08 Dec 2009; Dirkjan Ochtman <> +nginx-0.7.64.ebuild,
Bump nginx 0.7 and 0.8 to 0.7.64 and 0.8.29.

*nginx-0.8.17 (28 Sep 2009)

28 Sep 2009; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.8.16.ebuild, +nginx-0.8.17.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.8.16 (25 Sep 2009)

25 Sep 2009; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.8.15.ebuild, +nginx-0.8.16.ebuild:
Version bump.

21 Sep 2009; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.5.37.ebuild, -nginx-0.6.38.ebuild, -nginx-0.7.61.ebuild,
-nginx-0.8.4.ebuild, -nginx-0.8.4-r1.ebuild, -nginx-0.8.13.ebuild:

18 Sep 2009; Tobias Heinlein <> nginx-0.5.38.ebuild,
nginx-0.6.39.ebuild, nginx-0.7.62.ebuild:
amd64 stable, security bug #285162

16 Sep 2009; Christian Faulhammer <> nginx-0.5.38.ebuild,
nginx-0.6.39.ebuild, nginx-0.7.62.ebuild:
stable x86

*nginx-0.8.15 (14 Sep 2009)
*nginx-0.7.62 (14 Sep 2009)
*nginx-0.6.39 (14 Sep 2009)
*nginx-0.5.38 (14 Sep 2009)

14 Sep 2009; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.1.45.ebuild, -nginx-0.2.6.ebuild, -nginx-0.3.61.ebuild,
-nginx-0.4.14.ebuild, +nginx-0.5.38.ebuild, +nginx-0.6.39.ebuild,
+nginx-0.7.62.ebuild, +nginx-0.8.15.ebuild:
Version bump, wrt bug #283802. Unsupported versions are dropped.

*nginx-0.8.13 (06 Sep 2009)

06 Sep 2009; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.8.10.ebuild, +nginx-0.8.13.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.8.10 (24 Aug 2009)

24 Aug 2009; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.8.9.ebuild, +nginx-0.8.10.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.8.9 (23 Aug 2009)

23 Aug 2009; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.8.8.ebuild, +nginx-0.8.9.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.8.8 (10 Aug 2009)

10 Aug 2009; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
Version bump.

*nginx-0.8.4-r1 (19 Jul 2009)

19 Jul 2009; Dawid Węgliński <>
+files/nginx-secure-link-timeout.patch, metadata.xml,
Enable NginxHttpSecureLinkModule (bug #269810)
Enable ipv6 support in nginx (bug #274614).
Bug me for problems with those changes.

09 Jul 2009; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.6.32.ebuild, nginx-0.6.38.ebuild, nginx-0.7.61.ebuild:

*nginx-0.6.38 (23 Jun 2009)

23 Jun 2009; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.6.37.ebuild, +nginx-0.6.38.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.8.4 (22 Jun 2009)
*nginx-0.7.61 (22 Jun 2009)

22 Jun 2009; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.7.60.ebuild, +nginx-0.7.61.ebuild, -nginx-0.8.2.ebuild,
Version bump.

*nginx-0.8.2 (16 Jun 2009)
*nginx-0.7.60 (16 Jun 2009)

16 Jun 2009; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.7.59.ebuild, +nginx-0.7.60.ebuild, +nginx-0.8.2.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.7.59 (25 May 2009)

25 May 2009; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.7.55.ebuild, +nginx-0.7.59.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.6.37 (18 May 2009)

18 May 2009; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.6.35.ebuild, +nginx-0.6.37.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.7.55 (11 May 2009)

11 May 2009; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.7.54.ebuild, +nginx-0.7.55.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.7.54 (03 May 2009)

03 May 2009; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.7.50.ebuild, +nginx-0.7.54.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.7.50 (12 Apr 2009)

12 Apr 2009; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.7.43.ebuild, +nginx-0.7.50.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.7.43 (22 Mar 2009)

22 Mar 2009; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.7.42.ebuild, +nginx-0.7.43.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.7.42 (17 Mar 2009)

17 Mar 2009; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.7.39.ebuild, +nginx-0.7.42.ebuild:
Version bump.

17 Mar 2009; Timothy Redaelli <> nginx-0.7.39.ebuild:
Use $ when it's needed (thanks to tove@g.o for reporting) Respect CC
and LDFLAGS (Maintainer is in devaway status)

17 Mar 2009; Timothy Redaelli <> nginx-0.7.39.ebuild:
QA: Don't abuse ROOT wrt #232969, #258118. Add ~x86-fbsd keyword (with
small patch) wrt #155623, #236429. (Maintainer is in devaway status)

*nginx-0.7.39 (04 Mar 2009)

04 Mar 2009; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.7.38.ebuild, +nginx-0.7.39.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.7.38 (26 Feb 2009)

26 Feb 2009; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.7.34.ebuild, +nginx-0.7.38.ebuild:
Version bump. Added use flag for optional enabling of random index http

*nginx-0.7.34 (12 Feb 2009)

12 Feb 2009; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.7.33.ebuild, +nginx-0.7.34.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.7.33 (03 Feb 2009)

03 Feb 2009; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.7.32.ebuild, +nginx-0.7.33.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.7.32 (31 Jan 2009)
*nginx-0.6.35 (31 Jan 2009)

31 Jan 2009; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.6.34.ebuild, +nginx-0.6.35.ebuild, -nginx-0.7.31.ebuild,
Version bump.

*nginx-0.7.31 (21 Jan 2009)

21 Jan 2009; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.7.30.ebuild, +nginx-0.7.31.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.6.34 (12 Jan 2009)

12 Jan 2009; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.6.33.ebuild, +nginx-0.6.34.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.7.30 (25 Dec 2008)

25 Dec 2008; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.7.26.ebuild, +nginx-0.7.30.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.7.26 (11 Dec 2008)

11 Dec 2008; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.7.24.ebuild, +nginx-0.7.26.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.7.24 (02 Dec 2008)

02 Dec 2008; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.7.21.ebuild, -nginx-0.7.22.ebuild, +nginx-0.7.24.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.7.22 (24 Nov 2008)
*nginx-0.6.33 (24 Nov 2008)

24 Nov 2008; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
+nginx-0.6.33.ebuild, +nginx-0.7.22.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.7.21 (13 Nov 2008)

13 Nov 2008; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.7.20.ebuild, +nginx-0.7.21.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.7.20 (11 Nov 2008)

11 Nov 2008; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.7.19.ebuild, +nginx-0.7.20.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.7.19 (25 Oct 2008)

25 Oct 2008; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.5.35.ebuild, nginx-0.5.37.ebuild, -nginx-0.6.29.ebuild,
nginx-0.6.32.ebuild, -nginx-0.7.16.ebuild, -nginx-0.7.17.ebuild,
Version bump, stabilization.

*nginx-0.7.17 (16 Sep 2008)

16 Sep 2008; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
Version bump.

*nginx-0.7.16 (08 Sep 2008)

08 Sep 2008; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.7.14.ebuild, +nginx-0.7.16.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.7.14 (02 Sep 2008)

02 Sep 2008; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.7.13.ebuild, +nginx-0.7.14.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.7.13 (28 Aug 2008)

28 Aug 2008; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.7.11.ebuild, +nginx-0.7.13.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.7.11 (25 Aug 2008)

25 Aug 2008; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.7.8.ebuild, +nginx-0.7.11.ebuild:
Version bump.

22 Aug 2008; Doug Goldstein <> metadata.xml:
add GLEP 56 USE flag desc from use.local.desc

*nginx-0.7.8 (05 Aug 2008)

05 Aug 2008; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.7.7.ebuild, +nginx-0.7.8.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.7.7 (03 Aug 2008)

03 Aug 2008; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.7.6.ebuild, +nginx-0.7.7.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.5.37 (29 Jul 2008)

29 Jul 2008; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
Version bump.

*nginx-0.6.32 (14 Jul 2008)

14 Jul 2008; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.6.31.ebuild, +nginx-0.6.32.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.7.6 (10 Jul 2008)

10 Jul 2008; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.7.5.ebuild, +nginx-0.7.6.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.7.5 (06 Jul 2008)

06 Jul 2008; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.7.4.ebuild, +nginx-0.7.5.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.7.4 (30 Jun 2008)

30 Jun 2008; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.7.2.ebuild, +nginx-0.7.4.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.7.2 (22 Jun 2008)

22 Jun 2008; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.7.1.ebuild, +nginx-0.7.2.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.7.1 (27 May 2008)
*nginx-0.6.31 (27 May 2008)

27 May 2008; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.6.30.ebuild, +nginx-0.6.31.ebuild, +nginx-0.7.1.ebuild:
Version bumps.

*nginx-0.6.30 (02 May 2008)

02 May 2008; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
Version bump.

11 Apr 2008; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.5.34.ebuild, nginx-0.5.35.ebuild, -nginx-0.6.24.ebuild,

*nginx-0.6.29 (24 Mar 2008)

24 Mar 2008; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.6.28.ebuild, +nginx-0.6.29.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.6.28 (13 Mar 2008)

13 Mar 2008; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.6.26.ebuild, +nginx-0.6.28.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.6.26 (13 Feb 2008)

13 Feb 2008; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.6.25.ebuild, +nginx-0.6.26.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.6.25 (10 Jan 2008)
*nginx-0.5.35 (10 Jan 2008)

10 Jan 2008; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
+nginx-0.5.35.ebuild, +nginx-0.6.25.ebuild:
Version bumps.

03 Jan 2008; Ulrich Mueller <> -nginx-0.5.26.ebuild:
Remove vulnerable version wrt security bugs #174759 and #201691.

31 Dec 2007; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
nginx-0.5.34.ebuild, nginx-0.6.24.ebuild:
Stabilization wrt bug #201691.

*nginx-0.6.24 (30 Dec 2007)

30 Dec 2007; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.6.21.ebuild, +nginx-0.6.24.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.5.34 (14 Dec 2007)

14 Dec 2007; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.5.33.ebuild, +nginx-0.5.34.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.6.21 (09 Dec 2007)

09 Dec 2007; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
nginx-0.5.33.ebuild, -nginx-0.6.20.ebuild, +nginx-0.6.21.ebuild:
Version bump, also closes bugs #199375, #200240 and #201691.

*nginx-0.6.20 (29 Nov 2007)

29 Nov 2007; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.6.16.ebuild, +nginx-0.6.20.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.5.33 (08 Nov 2007)

08 Nov 2007; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.5.32.ebuild, +nginx-0.5.33.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.6.16 (30 Oct 2007)

30 Oct 2007; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.6.15.ebuild, +nginx-0.6.16.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.6.15 (27 Oct 2007)

27 Oct 2007; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.6.13.ebuild, +nginx-0.6.15.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.5.32 (01 Oct 2007)

01 Oct 2007; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.5.31.ebuild, +nginx-0.5.32.ebuild:
Version bump. sub useflag added. Certificate generation moved to

*nginx-0.6.13 (25 Sep 2007)

25 Sep 2007; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.6.12.ebuild, +nginx-0.6.13.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.6.12 (22 Sep 2007)

22 Sep 2007; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.6.11.ebuild, +nginx-0.6.12.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.6.11 (13 Sep 2007)

13 Sep 2007; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.6.10.ebuild, +nginx-0.6.11.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.6.10 (04 Sep 2007)

04 Sep 2007; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.6.9.ebuild, +nginx-0.6.10.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.6.9 (01 Sep 2007)

01 Sep 2007; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.6.8.ebuild, +nginx-0.6.9.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.6.8 (20 Aug 2007)
*nginx-0.5.31 (20 Aug 2007)

20 Aug 2007; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.5.30.ebuild, +nginx-0.5.31.ebuild, -nginx-0.6.6.ebuild,
Version bump.

*nginx-0.6.6 (30 Jul 2007)
*nginx-0.5.30 (30 Jul 2007)

30 Jul 2007; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.5.29.ebuild, +nginx-0.5.30.ebuild, -nginx-0.6.5.ebuild,
Version bump.

*nginx-0.6.5 (26 Jul 2007)
*nginx-0.5.29 (26 Jul 2007)

26 Jul 2007; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.5.28.ebuild, +nginx-0.5.29.ebuild, -nginx-0.6.4.ebuild,
Version bump.

*nginx-0.6.4 (17 Jul 2007)
*nginx-0.5.28 (17 Jul 2007)

17 Jul 2007; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.5.27.ebuild, +nginx-0.5.28.ebuild, -nginx-0.6.3.ebuild,
Version bump, flv use flag added.

*nginx-0.6.3 (12 Jul 2007)

12 Jul 2007; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.6.2.ebuild, +nginx-0.6.3.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.6.2 (09 Jul 2007)
*nginx-0.5.27 (09 Jul 2007)

09 Jul 2007; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.5.5.ebuild, nginx-0.5.26.ebuild, +nginx-0.5.27.ebuild,
-nginx-0.6.1.ebuild, +nginx-0.6.2.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.6.1 (17 Jun 2007)
*nginx-0.5.26 (17 Jun 2007)

17 Jun 2007; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.5.25.ebuild, +nginx-0.5.26.ebuild, -nginx-0.6.0.ebuild,
Double bump.

*nginx-0.6.0 (14 Jun 2007)

14 Jun 2007; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
Version bump.

*nginx-0.5.25 (11 Jun 2007)

11 Jun 2007; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.5.24.ebuild, +nginx-0.5.25.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.5.24 (06 Jun 2007)

06 Jun 2007; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.5.23.ebuild, +nginx-0.5.24.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.5.23 (04 Jun 2007)

04 Jun 2007; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.5.22.ebuild, +nginx-0.5.23.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.5.22 (29 May 2007)

29 May 2007; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.5.20.ebuild, +nginx-0.5.22.ebuild:
Version bump.

09 May 2007; Timothy Redaelli <> nginx-0.5.20.ebuild:
Add ~x86-fbsd keyword.

*nginx-0.5.20 (07 May 2007)

07 May 2007; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.5.19.ebuild, +nginx-0.5.20.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.5.19 (24 Apr 2007)

24 Apr 2007; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.5.18-r1.ebuild, +nginx-0.5.19.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.5.18-r1 (21 Apr 2007)

21 Apr 2007; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
+files/nginx.conf-r4, -nginx-0.5.18.ebuild, +nginx-0.5.18-r1.ebuild:
Closing bug #173209.

*nginx-0.5.18 (20 Apr 2007)

20 Apr 2007; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.5.17.ebuild, +nginx-0.5.18.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.5.17 (02 Apr 2007)

02 Apr 2007; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.5.16.ebuild, +nginx-0.5.17.ebuild:
Version bump.

26 Mar 2007; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
,nginx-0.5.15.ebuild, +nginx-0.5.16.ebuild:
Version bump, closing bug #169763.

*nginx-0.5.15 (19 Mar 2007)

19 Mar 2007; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.5.14.ebuild, +nginx-0.5.15.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.5.14 (26 Feb 2007)

26 Feb 2007; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.5.13.ebuild, +nginx-0.5.14.ebuild:
Version bump, webdav added to use flags.

*nginx-0.5.13 (19 Feb 2007)

19 Feb 2007; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.5.12.ebuild, +nginx-0.5.13.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.5.12 (13 Feb 2007)

13 Feb 2007; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
nginx-0.4.14.ebuild, nginx-0.5.5.ebuild, -nginx-0.5.11.ebuild,
Version bump, stabilization.

*nginx-0.5.11 (05 Feb 2007)

05 Feb 2007; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.5.10.ebuild, +nginx-0.5.11.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.5.10 (26 Jan 2007)

26 Jan 2007; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.5.9.ebuild, +nginx-0.5.10.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.5.9 (25 Jan 2007)

25 Jan 2007; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.5.8.ebuild, +nginx-0.5.9.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.5.8 (20 Jan 2007)

20 Jan 2007; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.5.7.ebuild, +nginx-0.5.8.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.5.7 (16 Jan 2007)

16 Jan 2007; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.5.6.ebuild, +nginx-0.5.7.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.5.6 (11 Jan 2007)

11 Jan 2007; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
Version bump.

*nginx-0.5.5 (25 Dec 2006)

25 Dec 2006; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.5.4.ebuild, -nginx-0.5.4-r1.ebuild, +nginx-0.5.5.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.5.4-r1 (17 Dec 2006)

17 Dec 2006; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
+files/nginx.conf-r3, +nginx-0.5.4-r1.ebuild:
Closing bugs #156126 and #156426.

*nginx-0.5.4 (17 Dec 2006)

17 Dec 2006; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.5.2.ebuild, +nginx-0.5.4.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.5.2 (11 Dec 2006)

11 Dec 2006; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.5.1.ebuild, +nginx-0.5.2.ebuild:
One more bump.

*nginx-0.5.1 (11 Dec 2006)

11 Dec 2006; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.5.0.ebuild, +nginx-0.5.1.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.5.0 (04 Dec 2006)

04 Dec 2006; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
Version bump.

*nginx-0.4.14 (30 Nov 2006)

30 Nov 2006; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.4.13.ebuild, +nginx-0.4.14.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.4.13 (15 Nov 2006)

15 Nov 2006; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.4.12.ebuild, +nginx-0.4.13.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.4.12 (31 Oct 2006)

31 Oct 2006; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.3.54.ebuild, -nginx-0.3.57.ebuild, nginx-0.3.61.ebuild,
-nginx-0.4.11.ebuild, +nginx-0.4.12.ebuild:
Version bump, 0.3.61 goes stable on amd64/x86.

*nginx-0.4.11 (25 Oct 2006)

25 Oct 2006; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.4.10.ebuild, +nginx-0.4.11.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.4.10 (23 Oct 2006)

23 Oct 2006; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.4.9.ebuild, +nginx-0.4.10.ebuild:

*nginx-0.4.9 (18 Oct 2006)

18 Oct 2006; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.4.8.ebuild, +nginx-0.4.9.ebuild:
One more bump.

*nginx-0.4.8 (18 Oct 2006)

18 Oct 2006; Konstantin V. Arkhipov <>
-nginx-0.4.6.ebuild, +nginx-0.4.8.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.4.6 (06 Oct 2006)

06 Oct 2006; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.4.6.ebuild,

*nginx-0.4.5 (02 Oct 2006)

02 Oct 2006; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.4.5.ebuild,

*nginx-0.4.3 (28 Sep 2006)

28 Sep 2006; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.4.3.ebuild,

*nginx-0.4.2 (14 Sep 2006)

14 Sep 2006; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.4.2.ebuild,

*nginx-0.4.1 (14 Sep 2006)

14 Sep 2006; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.4.1.ebuild,

*nginx-0.4.0 (09 Sep 2006)
*nginx-0.3.61 (09 Sep 2006)

09 Sep 2006; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.3.61.ebuild,
Double bump.

*nginx-0.3.60 (18 Aug 2006)

18 Aug 2006; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.3.60.ebuild,

*nginx-0.3.59 (16 Aug 2006)

16 Aug 2006; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.3.59.ebuild,
-nginx-0.3.58.ebuild, -nginx-0.3.49.ebuid, nginx-0.3.54.ebuild:
Version bump, 0.3.54 goes stable on amd64 and x86.

*nginx-0.3.58 (15 Aug 2006)

15 Aug 2006; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.3.58.ebuild,
Version bump.

*nginx-0.3.57 (10 Aug 2006)

10 Aug 2006; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.3.57.ebuild,
Version bump.

*nginx-0.3.56 (04 Aug 2006)

04 Aug 2006; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.3.56.ebuild,
Version bump.

*nginx-0.3.55 (28 Jul 2006)

28 Jul 2006; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.3.55.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.3.54 (11 Jul 2006)

11 Jul 2006; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.3.54.ebuild,

*nginx-0.3.53-r1 (08 Jul 2006)

08 Jul 2006; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.3.53-r1.ebuild,
Added patch for amd64 from author.

*nginx-0.3.53 (07 Jul 2006)

07 Jul 2006; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.3.53.ebuild,
Bump, http_realip_module now build automatically with fastcgi enabled.

*nginx-0.3.52 (04 Jul 2006)

04 Jul 2006; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.3.52.ebuild,
+files/nginx-r1, -nginx-0.3.51.ebuild:
Version bump, perl installation fixed (as reported by AlexeyK), upgrade
routine added to init-script.

*nginx-0.3.51 (01 Jul 2006)

01 Jul 2006; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.3.51.ebuild,

*nginx-0.3.50 (30 Jun 2006)

30 Jun 2006; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.3.50.ebuild,
-nginx-0.3.35.ebuild, -nginx-0.3.44.ebuild, -nginx-0.3.46.ebuild,
Bump, 0.3.49 goes stable on both amd64 and x86.

*nginx-0.3.49 (01 Jun 2006)

01 Jun 2006; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.3.49.ebuild,

*nginx-0.3.47 (24 May 2006)

24 May 2006; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.3.47.ebuild:

*nginx-0.3.46 (11 May 2006)

11 May 2006; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.3.46.ebuild,

*nginx-0.3.45 (06 May 2006)

06 May 2006; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.3.45.ebuild,
Version bump.

*nginx-0.3.44 (03 May 2006)

03 May 2006; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.3.44.ebuild,
Version bump.

*nginx-0.3.43 (26 Apr 2006)

26 Apr 2006; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.3.43.ebuild,
One more time.

*nginx-0.3.42 (26 Apr 2006)

26 Apr 2006; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.3.42.ebuild,

*nginx-0.3.41 (22 Apr 2006)

22 Apr 2006; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.3.41.ebuild,

*nginx-0.3.40 (20 Apr 2006)

20 Apr 2006; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.3.40.ebuild,

*nginx-0.3.39 (17 Apr 2006)

17 Apr 2006; Konstantin Arkhipov <> -nginx-0.3.38.ebuild,

*nginx-0.3.38 (14 Apr 2006)

14 Apr 2006; Konstantin Arkhipov <> -nginx-0.3.37.ebuild,

13 Apr 2006; Konstantin Arkhipov <> -nginx-0.3.12.ebuild,
Goes stable on amd64 and x86.

*nginx-0.3.37 (08 Apr 2006)

08 Apr 2006; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.3.37.ebuild,
Version bump.

*nginx-0.3.36 (05 Apr 2006)

05 Apr 2006; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.3.36.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.3.35 (23 Mar 2006)

23 Mar 2006; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.3.35.ebuild,

*nginx-0.3.34 (22 Mar 2006)

22 Mar 2006; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.3.34.ebuild,
+filles/nginx.conf-r2, -nginx-0.3.33.ebuild, -nginx-0.3.30.ebuild:
Version bump. Default nginx.conf polished a bit.

*nginx-0.3.33 (16 Mar 2006)

16 Mar 2006; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.3.33.ebuild,
Version bump.

*nginx-0.3.32 (11 Mar 2006)

11 Mar 2006; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.3.32.ebuild,
Version bump.

*nginx-0.3.31 (10 Mar 2006)

10 Mar 2006; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.3.31.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.3.30 (22 Feb 2006)

22 Feb 2006; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.3.30.ebuild,
-nginx-0.3.29.ebuild, -nginx-0.3.29-r1.ebuild,
Version bump.

*nginx-0.3.29-r1 (22 Feb 2006)

22 Feb 2006; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.3.29-r1.ebuild,
Closing bug #123680, patch provided by author.

*nginx-0.3.29 (20 Feb 2006)

20 Feb 2006; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.3.29.ebuild,

*nginx-0.3.28 (16 Feb 2006)

16 Feb 2006; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.3.28.ebuild,
Version bump.

*nginx-0.3.27 (08 Feb 2006)

08 Feb 2006; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.3.27.ebuild,

*nginx-0.3.26 (03 Feb 2006)

03 Feb 2006; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.3.26.eubild,
Version bump.

*nginx-0.3.25 (01 Feb 2006)

01 Feb 2006; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.3.25.ebuild,
One more bump with minor bugfix.

*nginx-0.3.24 (01 Feb 2006)

01 Feb 2006; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.3.24.ebuild,
-nginx-0.3.15.ebuild, -nginx-0.3.22.ebuild, -nginx-0.3.24.ebuild:

*nginx-0.3.23 (24 Jan 2006)

24 Jan 2006; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.3.23.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.3.22 (18 Jan 2006)

18 Jan 2006; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.3.22.ebuild,
+files/nginx.conf-r1, -nginx-0.3.20.ebuild, -nginx-0.3.21.ebuild:
Version bump, new use flag for perl, default configuration updated.

*nginx-0.3.21 (16 Jan 2006)

16 Jan 2006; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.3.21.ebuild:

*nginx-0.3.20 (12 Jan 2006)

12 Jan 2006; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.3.20.ebuild,
Version bump.

*nginx-0.3.19 (28 Dec 2005)

28 Dec 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.3.19.ebuild,
One more bump.

*nginx-0.3.18 (28 Dec 2005)

28 Dec 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.3.18.ebuild:
Bump, closing bug #116270.

*nginx-0.3.14 (07 Dec 2005)

07 Dec 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.1.15.ebuild,

*nginx-0.3.14 (05 Dec 2005)

05 Dec 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.3.14.ebuild,
Yet another bump.

*nginx-0.3.13 (05 Dec 2005)

05 Dec 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.3.13.ebuild,
nginx-0.3.12.ebuild, -nginx-0.3.9.ebuild:
Bump and 0.3.12 stabilization.

*nginx-0.3.12 (26 Nov 2005)

26 Nov 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.3.12.ebuild,
Version bump, security fix.

*nginx-0.3.11 (16 Nov 2005)

16 Nov 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.3.11.ebuild,
nginx-0.3.9.ebuild, -nginx-0.3.7.ebuild:
Veresion bump, 0.3.9 goes stable on amd64 and x86.

*nginx-0.3.9 (11 Nov 2005)

11 Nov 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.3.9.ebuild:
Version bump.

05 Oct 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> nginx-0.3.7.ebuild:
Stable on x86 and amd64.

*nginx-0.3.7 (27 Oct 2005)

27 Oct 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> -nginx-0.3.6.ebuild,
Version bump. Primary candidate for stabilization within this week.

*nginx-0.3.6 (25 Oct 2005)

25 Oct 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> -nginx-0.3.5.ebuild,
Version bump.

23 Oct 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> nginx-0.2.6.ebuild:
Goes stable on amd64 and x86.

*nginx-0.3.5 (21 Oct 2005)

21 Oct 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> -nginx-0.3.4.ebuild,
One more bump today.

*nginx-0.3.4 (21 Oct 2005)

21 Oct 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> -nginx-0.3.2.ebuild,

*nginx-0.3.2 (13 Oct 2005)

13 Oct 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.3.2.ebuild,
-nginx-0.2.1.ebuild, -nginx-0.2.3.ebuild, -nginx-0.2.4.ebuild,
-nginx-0.2.5.ebuild, -nginx-0.3.1.ebuild:
Version bump, cleanups.

*nginx-0.3.1 (10 Oct 2005)

10 Oct 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> -nginx-0.3.0.ebuild,

*nginx-0.2.6 (08 Oct 2005)
*nginx-0.3.0 (08 Oct 2005)

08 Oct 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.2.6.ebuild,
Double bump.

*nginx-0.2.5 (05 Oct 2005)

05 Oct 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.2.5.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.2.4 (03 Oct 2005)

03 Oct 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.2.4.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.2.3 (30 Sep 2005)

30 Sep 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> -nginx-0.2.2.ebuild,
-files/nginx-0.2.2-compile_fix.patch, +nginx-0.2.3.ebuild:
Bump again, the only difference between 0.2.2 and 0.2.3 is the minor compile

*nginx-0.2.2 (30 Sep 2005)

30 Sep 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.2.2.ebuild,
Version bump.

*nginx-0.2.1 (23 Sep 2005)

23 Sep 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> -nginx-0.1.41.ebuild,
-nginx-0.1.44.ebuild, nginx-0.1.45.ebuild, +nginx-0.2.1.ebuild:
Version bump with stabilization of 0.1.45 on amd64 and x86.

*nginx-0.1.45 (09 Sep 2005)

09 Sep 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.1.45.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.1.44 (06 Sep 2005)

06 Sep 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.1.44.ebuild,
-nginx-0.1.42.ebuild, -nginx-0.1.43.ebuild, -nginx-0.1.43-r1.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.1.43-r1 (02 Sep 2005)

02 Sep 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.1.43-r1.ebuild:
Now disables build of rewrite module when pcre use flag is turned off.
Problem reported by Alexey Mahotkin <>.

*nginx-0.1.43 (30 Aug 2005)

30 Aug 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.1.43.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.1.42 (24 Aug 2005)

24 Aug 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.1.42.ebuild:
Version bump.

09 Aug 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> -nginx-0.1.37.ebuild,
-nginx-0.1.38.ebuild, -nginx-0.1.39.ebuild, -nginx-0.1.40.ebuild,
Dropped old ebuilds, .41 goes stable on amd64 and x86.

*nginx-0.1.41 (26 Jul 2005)

26 Jul 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.1.41.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.1.40 (22 Jul 2005)

22 Jul 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.1.40.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.1.39 (14 Jul 2005)

14 Jul 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.1.39.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.1.38 (11 Jul 2005)

11 Jul 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.1.38.ebuild,
nginx-0.1.37.ebuild, -nginx-0.1.34.ebuild, -nginx-0.1.35.ebuild,
-nginx-0.1.36.ebuild, -nginx-0.1.35-ppc.patch:
Version bump, 0.1.37 goes stable on amd64 and x86, cleaned out old ebuilds.

*nginx-0.1.37 (23 Jun 2005)

23 Jun 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.1.37.ebuild:
Version bump. David's ppc patch is now merged by author.

*nginx-0.1.36 (16 Jun 2005)

16 Jun 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.1.36.ebuild:
Version bump.

08 Jun 2005; David Holm <> +files/nginx-0.1.35-ppc.patch,
Added to ~ppc.

*nginx-0.1.35 (07 Jun 2005)

07 Jun 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.1.35.ebuild:
Version bump.

29 May 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> -nginx-0.1.28-r2.ebuild,
-nginx-0.1.33-r1.ebuild, files/nginx, files/nginx.conf, nginx-0.1.34.ebuild:
Forcing 0.1.34 stable on x86 and amd64. Added checkconf to start/stop/reload
in init-script. Fixed default configuration.

*nginx-0.1.34 (27 May 2005)

27 May 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.1.34.ebuild:
Version bump, should go stable within next week.

*nginx-0.1.33-r1 (26 May 2005)

26 May 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.1.33-r1.ebuild,
+files/nginx-0.1.33-set_header_range.patch, -nginx-0.1.33.ebuild:
Fix against infinitive cycle in large ssi includes and ability to set Range
header. Patches provided by author.

24 May 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> -nginx-0.1.29-r2.ebuild,
-nginx-0.1.30-r1.ebuild, -nginx-0.1.31.ebuild, -nginx-0.1.32.ebuild,
Cleaned out old ebuilds.

*nginx-0.1.33 (23 May 2005)

23 May 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.1.33.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.1.32 (19 May 2005)

19 May 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.1.32.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.1.31 (16 May 2005)

16 May 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.1.31.ebuild:
Version bump. Added pcre use flag.

*nginx-0.1.30-r1 (15 May 2005)

15 May 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> -nginx-0.1.30.ebuild,
+files/nginx-0.1.30-slashless_path.patch, +nginx-0.1.30-r1.ebuild:
Added slashless path patch from author.

*nginx-0.1.30 (15 May 2005)

15 May 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.1.30.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.1.29-r2 (14 May 2005)

14 May 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> -nginx-0.1.29.ebuild,
-nginx-0.1.29-r1.ebuild, +files/nginx-0.1.29-500_bytes_long.patch:
Fixed 500 http response, when lenght of backend response 500 bytes long.
Patch from author.

*nginx-0.1.29-r1 (13 May 2005)

13 May 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.1.29.ebuild,
Ability to control invalid headers ignoring. Patch from author.

*nginx-0.1.29 (13 May 2005)

13 May 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.1.29.ebuild,
-nginx-0.1.28-r1.ebuild, nginx-0.1.28-r2.ebuild:
Version bump and .28-r2 goes stable on both amd64 and x86.

*nginx-0.1.28-r2 (03 May 2005)

03 May 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.1.28-r1.ebuild:
Added debug and fastcgi use flags.

28 Apr 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> -nginx-0.1.28.ebuild,
28-r1 goes stable on x86 and amd64.

*nginx-0.1.28-r1 (19 Apr 2005)

19 Apr 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.1.28-r1.ebuild,
Patch from author to avoid crash when backend sends b0rked headers.

*nginx-0.1.28 (11 Apr 2005)

11 Apr 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> -nginx-0.1.26.ebuild,
nginx-0.1.27.ebuild, +nginx-0.1.28.ebuild:
Version bump and 0.1.27 goes stable on both amd64 and x86.

02 Apr 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> -nginx-0.1.25.ebuild,
-nginx-0.1.24-r2.ebuild, -files/nginx-0.1.24-upstream_status.patch,
Cleanups and 0.1.26 now stable on x86 and amd64.

*nginx-0.1.27 (28 Mar 2005)

28 Mar 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.1.27.ebuild:
Version bump.

*nginx-0.1.26 (22 Mar 2005)

22 Mar 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.1.26.ebuild:
Version bump.

20 Mar 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> nginx-0.1.24-r2.ebuild,
Forcing 0.1.24-r2 stable on both x86 and amd64. Cleaned out commented
modules handling.

*nginx-0.1.25 (19 Mar 2005)

19 Mar 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.1.25.ebuild:
Version bump.

13 Mar 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> -nginx-0.1.24-r1-ebuild:
Clean up a bit.

*nginx-0.1.24-r2 (10 Mar 2005)

10 Mar 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> -nginx-0.1.24.ebuild,
"upstream sent too long status line" fix from author.

*nginx-0.1.24-r1 (04 Mar 2005)

04 Mar 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.1.24-r1.ebuild:
Misc conf files now installs into main conf dir. Added dir keeping for logs.

*nginx-0.1.24 (04 Mar 2005)

04 Mar 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> -nginx-0.1.23-r1.ebuild,
Version bump. Added warning about threads support.

*nginx-0.1.23-r1 (02 Mar 2005)

02 Mar 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> -nginx-0.1.23.ebuild,
Now with docs, dir keeping and configuration checking thru init script.

*nginx-0.1.23 (02 Mar 2005)

02 Mar 2005; Konstantin Arkhipov <> +nginx-0.1.23.ebuild:
Initial revision.