Search Portage & Overlays:


There is 3 sources for ebuilds :

  • distro : Gentoo, Funtoo or Zentoo ebuilds
  • layman : overlays in layman
  • outside : overlays not in layman
I mirror the file used by layman here. And the file used for overlays not in layman here. You can use this file by using layman -o -L

If you want to add your overlay to this site, you have to add it in layman first. File a bug at to do so.

Name Description Ebuild(s) Source
2xsaikoPersonal overlay with no special focus12 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
4nykeyAn experimental portage overlay481 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
9999Overlay for cutting edge 9999s24 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
acePersonal overlay with ebuilds that were missing at one point or another71 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
activehomeGentoo overlay for ebuilds related to 'hand-made' Active Home construction4 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
adasssGentoo overlay for Android Studio experimental packages17 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
ag-opsUseful tools for SysAdmins or DevOps24 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
agoDeveloper overlay10 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
ahyangyi-overlayAhyangyi's overlay62 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
akaterPersonal ebuild repository. Emacs, Lisp, minimalism.351 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
alatar-layAlatar`s personal ebuilds3 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
alesharikGentoo portage overlay of alesharik10 Homepage Mail Layman
AlexandreFournierAlexandre Fournier's personal overlay39 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
alexxyDeveloper overlay5 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
alxuAlex Xu (Hello71) personal overlay31 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
amano-kenjiPersonal overlay115 Homepage Mail Layman
ambastaPersonal overlay94 Feed Mail Layman
amedeosamedeos's personal overlay38 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
anarchyTesting/Bug fixes, new ebuilds4 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
anardAnard's personnal repository, with some new ebuilds16 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
anders-larssonA few packages that are not hosted elsewhere.23 Homepage Mail Layman
andrey_utkinDeveloper overlay1 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
anomenanomen's personal Gentoo overlay33 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
anonchPersonal overlay with wifi drivers and machine learning tools.21 Homepage Mail Layman
antons-matrix-overlayPackages related to messaging system144 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
anycTesting ebuilds for out-of-tree applications7 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
ap-overlayPersonal Gentoo Overlay4 Homepage Mail Layman
apnAPN-Pucky's personal overlay36 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
ArchFehArchFeh's personal overlay5 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
argent-mainArgent Linux2111 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
arrans-overlayArran's Overlay326 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
arx-libertatisArx Libertatis Overlay11 Homepage Mail Layman
asahiAsahi Linux Overlay - support for Apple Silicon Macs46 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
AstroFloydAstroFloyd's Gentoo overlay87 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
audio-overlayPro audio overlay. Please file bugs or package suggestions at Homepage Feed Mail Layman
averagePersonal playground for some ebuilds not found elsewhere8 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
awesomeAwesome ebuilds4 Homepage Mail Layman
barnowlBarnOwl IM client6 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
battlepenguinBattlePenguin Project Overlays4 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
beatussum-overlayBeatussum's overlay28 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
bell07Some ebuilds not found in other overlays, including my server and desktop (xfce) profiles27 Mail Layman
bentooAn overlay of user-friendly "Stage5" of Gentoo Linux.49 Homepage Mail Layman
benzene-overlayUniversebenzene's personal Gentoo overlay510 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
besbes' personal overlay3 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
bgo-overlayThis overlay is generated from Homepage Mail outside
bibletimeBibleTime overlay4 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
binarydenOverlay for Cinnamon and other Gentoo packages24 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
bitcoinBitcoin and CPU/GPU mining related ebuilds60 Homepage Mail Layman
blackburn29collection of various development ebuilds9 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
bobwyaMiscellaneous Gentoo ebuilds106 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
bombo82Bombo82's own gentoo overlay29 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
boobooL29Ah personal overlay210 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
bratishkaerik-overlayPersonal overlay + Zig stuff4 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
brother-overlayBrother printer and scanner software562 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
broverlay Overlay containing ebuilds made by a small Gentoo community, learning how to do them. The focus is to have general-purpose ebuilds, available to everyone. 9 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
bumblebeePackages related to the bumblebee project5 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
buzdenPersonal overlay of Denis Buzdalov5 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
CachyOS-kernelsOverlay containing ebuilds of CachyOS kernels and some other things118 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
calculateCalculate Overlay86 Homepage Mail Layman
calendulishcalendulish Gentoo Overlay7 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
Case_OfPersonal overlay47 Homepage Mail Layman
ceamacThis is a small Gentoo overlay with ebuilds that I could not find elsewhere or that I had to modify for some reason.5 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
certbot-dns-pluginsOverlay for the DNS plugins of the ACME client certbot15 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
cgComputer graphics ebuilds for gentoo132 Homepage Mail Layman
chiyuki-overlayChiyuki's Personal Gentoo Linux Overlay11 Homepage Mail Layman
chymericOverlay for scientific software and desktop minimalism77 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
cj-overlayChristoph's Overlay7 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
combinatorica-classica-overlayCombinatorica classica overlay5 Homepage Mail Layman
covaFabio Coatti Personal Overlay19 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
dargorPersonal overlay for packages I care of31 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
darkelfOverlay focusing on improved user experience for working in darkness on Xfce or zsh (including vim)6 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
darthgandalf-overlayPersonal overlay4 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
defiancepackages for cloud development44 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
dev1990-overlayPersonal overlay focused on Qt application development and 3d-printing.52 Homepage Mail Layman
didosDidOS overlay gentoo edition268 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
dilfridgeDilfridge overlay: experimental ebuilds and lab software13 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
dinolayTruncatedDinosour's overlay36 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
displacerFixes and new unstable packages10 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
djs_overlayPersonal overlay, mostly for apps I use and havent found them elsewhere.179 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
dlangA collection of ebuilds related to the D programming language.30 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
dm9pZCAqpersonal overlay with different packages, mainly with packages with KISS mindset63 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
dwfreedMy random Gentoo packages4 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
dwoskyDwosky's personal overlay20 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
edgetsGentoo overlay that brings you the newest versions of modern software.149 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
eigenlayEigenlab Gentoo overlay1 Homepage Mail Layman
einflayPersonal overlay25 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
elanmoc2-overlaycontains sys-auth/fprintd and sys-auth/libfprint (with driver elanmoc2) package, support for Elan 04f3:0c00 fingerprint sensor2 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
electronElectron Overlay16 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
elementaryThe elementary OS experience for Gentoo Linux. 76 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
emacsProvide Emacs and XEmacs related ebuilds which are experimental or work-in-progress. Don't rely on them, but don't hesitate to file bugs or write emails.32 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
EmilienMottetGentoo Overlay for Emilien Mottet personal/work needs.75 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
emloveEmily Love Watson's personal overlay4 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
enlightenment-liveEnlightenment WM latest stable version and live ebuilds25 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
equaegheErik Quaeghebeur's personal Gentoo overlay6 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
eras-overlayrandom ebuilds3 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
eraydVarious personal ebuilds6 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
escpr2Epson Inkjet Printer Driver 2 (ESC/P-R) repository7 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
ext-devlibsMostly c/c++ and python libraries15 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
ex_repoArniiiii's overlay. Mostly C++ related.17 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
farmboy0Personal overlay of Enrico Horn43 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
fd-gentoofd-gentoo overlay18 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
fem-overlayFeM Gentoo Overlay168 Homepage Mail Layman
feniksaGraphics, C++ libs and additional software6 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
ferkiEbuilds used and/or proxy maintained by FErki32 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
fictitiousexistenceFictitiousExistence ebuilds1 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
fidonetOverlay of Benny Pedersen19 Mail Layman
FireBurn32bit ebuilds (libdrm, mesa, libx11, mesa-progs, ..)38 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
flammieAn overlay for gentoo for things Flammie's worked on: Apertium, HFST, computational linguistics, spell-checking, obscure languages...35 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
flash-gamesOld flash games, with Ruffle as dependency4 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
flavourPersonal overlay of Wim Muskee31 Homepage Mail Layman
flewkey-overlayPersonal Gentoo overlay for flewkey144 Homepage Mail Layman
flexibeastGeneral-purpose overlay8 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
flightsimOverlay with packages for flight simulation, mainly related to X-Plane2 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
floppymfloppym's personal overlay4 Homepage Mail Layman
flowEbuilds by Florian Schmaus97 Homepage Mail Layman
flussenceflussenceʼs personal overlay41 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
fol4fol4 overlay60 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
foo-overlayPiotr's fixes and new packages11 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
fordfrogDeveloper overlay5 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
fortunelayOverlay for fortunes38 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
fowlayCollection of ebuilds1 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
foxiverlayPersonal overlay for unofficial ebuilds16 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
frittelifritteli's Gentoo Overlay21 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
fyn-overlayfyn 's personal overlay36 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
gMy personal overlay11 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
gamerlay Gamers overlay for all various games. Not related with games team. 95 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
gbrlsnchsGabriel Sanches's personal ebuild repository14 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
gentooOfficial Gentoo ebuild repository30639 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
gentoo-bootstrapOverlay providing packages to bootstrap OpenJDK and Rust35 Homepage Mail Layman
gentoo-unity7A Gentoo overlay to build the Unity7 user interface118 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
gentoo-zhTo provide programs useful to Chinese speaking users (merged from gentoo-china and gentoo-taiwan).454 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
gentoobrOverlay containing experimental packages developed by the brazilian community, with focus on providing programs useful to portuguese speaking users and introducing new people to contribute.62 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
gentoofreakOverlay containing newer upstream versions of different packages5 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
gentooplusplusPersonal overlay especially for lightweight software31 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
gentouranosPersonal overlay mainly to keep anki up to date7 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
gerislayA personal overlay with no specific focus (mainly to test ebuilds). Highly experimental. It is meant as a playground for me, but others might be interested.45 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
gigGig OS's Overlay68 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
gitlabUnofficial ebuilds for Gitlab53 Homepage Mail Layman
gnu-elpaMirror of GNU ELPA emacs package repository475 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
gnustepExperimental ebuilds for GNUstep packages in Gentoo. Comments and bugreports are welcome!2 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
goduck777Personal overlay containing some not-so-popular apps15 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
gogooverlayGoGo's Cool Overlay For Attractive People43 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
graaffDeveloper overlay of Hans de Graaff with mostly ruby and xemacs ebuilds, and a few assorted other goodies.387 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
griffon_overlayPersonal overlay of GriffOn Yi9 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
guruGURU: Ebuild repository entirely maintained by Gentoo users2917 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
haarpmisc ebuilds that aren't in the main tree38 Homepage Mail Layman
hamariPersonal overlay of hamari483 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
hamper-overlayUser overlay19 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
hanHan's personal ebuild repository6 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
haskellThe Official Gentoo Haskell overlay.2613 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
hep-forgeInofficial HEPForge ebuilds274 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
hering-overlayRichard Hering's gentoo overlay90 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
holgersson-overlayNils "holgersson" Freydank's personal overlay23 Homepage Mail Layman
HomeAssistantRepositoryHome Assistant on Gentoo Linux without virtualenv or docker.2386 Homepage Mail Layman
hossiegentoo-overlay from hossie18 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
hyprland-overlayAn unofficial Gentoo overlay related to all Hyprland utilities39 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
icingaGentoo Overlay Repository for Icinga2 related stuff134 Homepage Mail Layman
imperiumPersonal ebuild repository for personal projects11 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
inode64-overlayServer overlay, virtualization, developer tools and misc apps146 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
iritmaximusiritmaximus' overlay4 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
ixitiXit overlay6 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
jabuxasjabuxas personal overlay14 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
jacksonchen666jacksonchen666's personal overlay22 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
javaJava overlay26 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
jjakobJernej Jakob's unofficial ebuilds48 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
jkoloJerzy Kolosowski's Gentoo overlay5 Homepage Mail Layman
jl1990jl1990's Custom Gentoo Overlay.1 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
jm-overlayPersonal overlay with more or less random ebuilds176 Homepage Mail Layman
jmbsvicettoJorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto developer overlay13 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
joecool-overlayjoecool's personal overlay12 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
JRGJohn's Collaboration Overlay29 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
jstewardjsteward's personal overlay10 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
junkdrawerVarious development tools, libraries, and patches not in Gentoo (yet)87 Homepage Mail Layman
kaaKaa's experimental overlay15 Homepage Mail Layman
KBrown-pubKBrown's public overlay129 Homepage Mail Layman
kcningkcning's personal gentoo overlay18 Homepage Mail Layman
kdeOfficial KDE team's testing overlay.1073 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
khoverlayKhumba's overlay, with games, tools, themes, System76 drivers79 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
konsoleboxkonsolebox's overlay169 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
kostas-overlayPersonal ebuild repository4 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
kripton-overlayGentoo portage overlay with packages needed or developed by kripton29 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
kzdkzd's personal overlay128 Homepage Mail Layman
lab-overlayLab Overlay5 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
lamdnessPersonal overlay of grouzen, mostly containing LLM-related and Rust packages46 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
lanodanOverlayPersonal repository of lanodan, mostly experiments and personal changes185 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
lastrodamoPersonal overlay9 Homepage Mail Layman
ledgersmbLedgerSMB and dependencies not yet in Gentoo76 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
leechcraftOverlay with LeechCraft ebuilds88 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
lemon-limePersonal ebuild repository containing ebuilds that I could not find anywhere else.16 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
lemonxah-overlayPersonal overlay13 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
libresslLibreSSL ebuilds testing repository109 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
librewolfOverlay for LibreWolf4 Homepage Mail Layman
liftmPersonal Overlay4 Feed Mail Layman
liliumowl4ce's personal portage overlay for ebuild repairs or feature-upgrades2 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
linux-bePort of Boot Environments for GNU/Linux5 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
linux-surfaceSpecial driver software for Microsoft Surface devices from the linux-surface project.21 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
linuxunderground-overlayexperimental ebuilds from linuxunderground.be20 Homepage Mail Layman
lmiphayPersonal overlay of Paul Healy193 Homepage Mail Layman
lmkraPersonal overlay of lmkra12 Homepage Mail Layman
loongson Overlay for Loongson systems. Both MIPS and LoongArch (ARCH=loong) are supported, but recent development is focused on LoongArch bring-up. 8 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
luke-jrMisc ebuilds by Luke-Jr55 Homepage Mail Layman
maekkeMarkus Meier developer overlay15 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
masterlayMisc ebuilds by Yury Oboz41 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
mate-de-gentooUpdated ebuilds for mate-desktop environment84 Homepage Mail Layman
mate-overlayTestbed for new mate-desktop environment ebuilds2 Homepage Mail Layman
mbaraa-overlaya collection of ebuilds by mbaraa4 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
megacoffeeMixed ebuilds from various sources: self-written missing ebuilds, more current ebuilds, ebuilds that just needed a slight update from official portage, ebuilds others posted on Gentoo Bugzilla, ebuilds with added patches, old ebuilds that were removed from official portage etc.34 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
melpaMirror of MELPA emacs package repository5923 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
melpa-stableMirror of MELPA Stable emacs package repository3190 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
menelkirVarious ebuilds from different sources479 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
metahaxSome ebuilds that didn't seem to exist yet.8 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
MiezhikoMiezhiko personal overlay299 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
milos-rsA pocket repository for few unavailable packages1 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
mimAliaksei Urbanski's personal overlay76 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
miramirMiramir repository8 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
mndzmndz's Gentoo overlay23 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
mnt-reformOverlay containing ebuilds for the MNT Reform line of open hardware computers75 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
moexiamiContains updated ebuilds (w/ more feature/control) for packages in the Gentoo tree, latest version ebuilds and newpackages not yet in the tree. Targeting high-quality for production use.8 Homepage Mail Layman
moltonelVincent de Phily's private overlay13 Homepage Mail Layman
mrpenguinAn igloo worth of (mostly) live 9999 ebuilds12 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
mrtnvgrmrtnvgr's personal overlay11 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
mschiffDeveloper overlay2 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
multilib-portagemultilib-overlay: emul-linux-x86 must die ;)15 Homepage Mail Layman
muslmusl development overlay23 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
mvEbuilds for packages not in the Gentoo tree (lack of maintainer or too experimental) and live ebuilds or extensions/bugfixes for packages in the tree145 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
mvamva's sandbox overlay446 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
myovMy Overlay - custom Gentoo overlay from XGQT60 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
myrvolaymyrvogna's personal Gentoo overlay19 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
natinstVISA and National Instruments drivers11914 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
nelson-gracaNelson Graça personal Overlay25 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
nestPersonal Gentoo overlay2261 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
neznezbednik's overlay7 Homepage Mail Layman
nggngg's personal overlay10 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
nightfreedom-overlayEdmund Leong's personal gentoo overlay2 Homepage Mail Layman
nitrateskyPersonal overlay of Vladimir Timofeenko55 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
nongnu-elpaMirror of NonGNU ELPA emacs package repository254 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
nordvpnNordVPN client overlay6 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
nymphosOverlay for ebuilds used in NymphOS40 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
oddlamaoddlama's gentoo overlay18 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
odroidc4Ebuilds for Gentoo on ODROID-C44 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
okhPersonal overlay with no special focus.8 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
olifrePersonal overlay of Oliver Freyermuth.16 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
omrifijiOverlay for games and anime related packages.1 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
openclonkOverlay for the game OpenClonk2 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
openstackOpenstack Nova ebuilds and dependencies1 Homepage Feed Mail outside
opentransactionsOpen-Transactions Gentoo Overlay6 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
oubliettepersonal overlay of forgotten ebuilds78 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
overseerr-overlaythird party overlay to install overseerr8 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
oxen-overlayPersonal overlay for OXEN projects9 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
palemoonUnofficial Gentoo overlay for the Pale Moon ( web browser.22 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
parona-overlayPersonal overlay for ebuilds I don't see in other overlay or want to modify184 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
peecPersonal Gentoo overlay of Petre Rodan38 Homepage Mail Layman
peeweepPersonal Gentoo overlay of peeweep2 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
pentooThe overlay contains new or updated security tools.1138 Homepage Mail Layman
petkovichPersonal overlay of Jean-Christophe Petkovich13 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
pf4publicPersonal overlay144 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
pg_overlayUser overlay201 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
phackerlayOverlay for phackers156 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
phoenix591My personal overlay with a few random packages37 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
php-overlayUnofficial PHP Overlay for Gentoo Linux75 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
pica-picaPica Pica ebuilds2 Homepage Mail Layman
pigfootEbuilds for experimental packages and chinese patches45 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
piniverlayVarious packages and patches for developers416 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
pinkbytePinkbyte's developer overlay11 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
pixlraPixlra collaborative overlay24 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
pkalinMy Gentoo overlay, somewhat regularly maintained78 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
plex-overlayPersonal overlay of comio containing Plex related ebuilds12 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
powermanOverlay of Alex Efros80 Homepage Mail Layman
ppfeufer-gentoo-overlayppfeufer's personal overlay.43 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
proaudio-gentooNew generation ProAudio overlay94 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
prossUp to date ck-sources1 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
ps3Ebuilds for Gentoo on the PlayStation 3.26 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
pypi-sciScientific packages from PyPI by the gentoo-pypi-generator57 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
qemu-initqemu init script and tools1 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
qownnotes-overlayQOwnNotes overlay250 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
qsxqsx’ ebuilds50 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
qtOfficial testing overlay for Qt and related packages, provided by Gentoo's Qt team. Contains ebuilds for Qt5 and Qt6 prereleases and live ebuilds, plus various (non-KDE) applications and utilities that use Qt.33 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
quarksQuarks's overlay; needful things around Security, Penetration Testing and gaming7 Homepage Mail Layman
qv2ray-overlayOverlay for Qv2ray.8 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
r7lr7l Gentoo overlay with custom Ebuilds60 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
racket-overlayRacket packages overlay3945 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
raiagentWell-documented ebuilds en-route to a bandersnatch near you85 Homepage Mail Layman
rasdarkrasdark personal overlay19 Homepage Mail Layman
rawsome raw stuff33 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
rich0Rich0's developer overlay5 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
rimiorimio's personal overlay6 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
rionRussian overlay with a some patched and specific software62 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
riruHome overlay for development, patches and live ebuilds12 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
riscvGentoo RISC-V Overlay14 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
rnpHigh performance C++ OpenPGP library, fully compliant to RFC 48802 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
robert7kpersonal overlay of robert7k46 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
robertgzrrobertgzr's personal overlay.79 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
ROKO__Unofficial ebuilds for gentoo based distributions.130 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
ros-overlayEbuilds for the Robot Operating System (ROS).61 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
roslinThis is roslin, my small overlay. Enjoy! (:9 Homepage Mail Layman
rubyExperimental ebuilds from the Ruby edge.2 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
ruixi-overlayRuixi-rebirth's personal Gentoo overlay11 Homepage Mail Layman
rukruksome packages not found in other overlays, for issues create ticket in github14 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
ryansPersonal ebuild repository.281 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
ryotaroryotaro overlay7 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
R_OverlayGentoo overlay of R packages28697 Homepage Mail Layman
sage-on-gentooSplit ebuilds for the Sage computer algebra system85 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
salfterScott Alfter's ebuilds122 Homepage Mail Layman
sam_csam_c's personal overlay16 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
SarahMiaOverlayEverything for Budgie-Desktop and a little bit SarahMia's personal overlay33 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
sattviksattvik's overlay with personalized bug fixes and tweaks29 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
schplafslash's personal overlay68 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
scienceThe Gentoo Science Overlay is intended as a place to work outside of the main portage tree on experimental ebuilds. Our aim is to increase the rate of development of scientific packages for Gentoo, but ebuilds in this repository are by their very nature more experimental. If you wish to use them you should be willing to help test and report bugs. For contribution read 756 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
scrillSome admin tools3 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
sedenExperimental ebuilds that are still unmaintained20 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
serioussamSerious Sam Classic v1.10 with mods17 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
setkehsetkeh maintained ebuilds3 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
sevzPersonal Custom Gentoo Overlay.5 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
sftSFT Technologies gentoo overlay45 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
sgsSimeon Simeonov's personal Gentoo overlay5 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
shnurisepackages for mono environment and other93 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
simonvanderveldtPersonal Gentoo overlay focused on music production and engineering applications4 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
sinustromSinustrom Gentoo Overlay23 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
sk-overlayThe Scriptkitties overlay for additional ebuilds46 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
slonkoPersonal portage overlay131 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
smaeulPersonal overlay, mainly packages patched for musl compatibility8 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
snapdebuilds for canaonicals snapd3 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
soltystools usefull on CTFs and things that aren't in the portage tristelune3 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
sorrowEbuilds for some wayland-related software and some other stuff19 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
spark-overlayJava Big Data Infrastructure578 Homepage Mail Layman
spikyatlinuxHere are some of my own or modified ebuilds. Also some of them I've found in the web.33 Homepage Mail Layman
spingOverlay of Gentoo developer Sebastian Pipping; for issues, please open tickets at GitHub1 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
springSpring RTS Gentoo overlay5 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
ssnbGentoo repository made by ssnb215 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
sspreitzMy Gentoo repository and ebuilds38 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
steam-overlayGentoo overlay for Valve's Steam client and Steam-based games8 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
stephdewitStéphane de Wit's personal overlay22 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
stintelstintel's gentoo overlay52 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
stowe-verlayA handful of things that are otherwise unmaintained or not-as-frequently maintained25 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
strohelstrohel's overlay2 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
stuffstuff409 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
suckless-extraA collection of suckless programs that are not in the main repo as well as their dependencies and setup scripts14 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
suckless_wl_zhcontains dwl integrated with Chinese input method. rfm file manager, which works well with dwl and dwm9 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
sunset-repoPersonal overlay. Small programs and utils, X11 themes, and version bumps of ebuilds from main repo.29 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
suntarSuntar's overlay21 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
superpositionPhil's overlay47 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
supertux88SuperTux88's personal overlay73 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
swegenerThis overlay contains some experimental stuff, but mostly stuff I quickly wrote an ebuild for or grabed it from bugzilla and did not have the time to commit it to the official tree or do not consider it ready for it.16 Homepage Mail Layman
swirlOverlay for software I use or made5 Homepage Mail Layman
SwordArMorPersonnal overlay of alarig/SwordArMor363 Homepage Mail Layman
SystoleOverlay for the Systole OS70 Homepage Mail Layman
tamikoDeveloper overlay4 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
tarantoolTarantool Gentoo Overlay87 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
tastyteaOverlay of tastytea50 Homepage Mail Layman
tatsh-overlayOverlay from Tatsh - emulators/fonts/game/misc319 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
telansOverlay from telans - gaming/misc3 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
tex-overlayExperimental ebuilds for TeX Live58 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
tezetatezeta's personal overlay32 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
tgbugs-overlaytgbugs portage overlay for custom ebuilds237 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
thegreatmcpainTheGreatMcPain's personal ebuild overlay114 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
third-party-certbot-pluginsOverlay for unofficial, third party plugins of the ACME client Certbot34 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
tmacedoUser Overlay5 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
toniz4-overlayUseful packages for your person use8 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
toolchainToolchain ebuilds that are unsuitable for the tree. Snapshots, unstable versions, etc...45 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
torbrowserTor Browser related ebuilds6 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
touchfish-osPersonal overlay of Haonan Chen145 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
trolltooAn ebuild overlay for Gentoo.5 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
trufholetruffle's overlay, has a few odd packages and experimental patches34 Homepage Mail Layman
turret-overlayturret.'s portage overlay4 Homepage Mail Layman
ubuildsEbuilds to live long and prosper143 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
ukuiGentoo Overlay for UKUI Desktop Environment31 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
ulmDeveloper overlay6 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
unc3nsoredOverlay for software I didn't find in the main tree18 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
underworldDakEnviy's Gentoo Overlay11 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
unity-gentooOverlay to install the Unity desktop78 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
usenet-overlayPersonal Overlay for Lidarr, Radarr and Sonarr 13 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
vaacusA personal overlay for the void.87 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
vapoursynthUnofficial repository with all vapoursynth related ebuilds373 Homepage Mail Layman
vayerxPersonal overlay of Vasiliy Yeremeyev20 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
vespaPersonal overlay of Thiago G. Vespa1 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
vGistvGist overlay, for personal use.1 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
vifino-overlayvifino's personal overlay15 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
vimprovedBringing you Pro Audio Software, Wayland ricing, and Yuri Visual Novels since 2023!90 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
violet-funkGentoo overlay for FNF-related ebuilds as well as some useful software.21 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
vklimovsvklimovs' personal portage overlay22 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
vmacsVMACS Personal Gentoo Overlay3 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
vortexPersonal overlay69 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
vowstarEbuilds from vowstar's git294 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
voyageurVoyageur's random ebuilds stuff33 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
vulkano-edgeA repository just for Vulkan stuff for Gentoo8 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
waebblwaebbl's overlay39 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
waffle-buildsFlyingWaffle's personal ebuild overlay.74 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
wayland-desktopgentoo overlay for wayland related ebuilds186 Homepage Mail Layman
wbranawbrana's overlay2 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
wichtounetPersonal overlay of Baptiste Wicht5 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
without-systemdWithout Systemd overlay24 Homepage Mail Layman
x0rzavix0rzavi's personal overlay44 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
x11Gentoo X11 team ebuild repository1 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
XaetaCoreCollection of various missing or modified packages10 Homepage Mail Layman
xarblu-overlayXarblu's personal ebuild overlay98 Homepage Mail Layman
xbt573xbt573's Personal Gentoo Overlay13 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
xdch47Gentoo portage overlay of xdch4754 Homepage Mail Layman
xelnorRaphaël Barrois' (Xelnor) Gentoo overlay.86 Homepage Mail Layman
xiraAn LLVM-centric personal overlay, with clang fixes to existing builds, and newly found software, patched or not.42 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
xooresPersonal Gentoo overlay. I intend to maintain ebuild for packages that I personaly use.137 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
xoreosGentoo overlay for the xoreos project, providing a WIP reimplementation of the BioWare Aurora engine and related modding tools.12 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
xwingGuillaume Castagnino’s personal overlay.14 Homepage Mail Layman
yandexGentoo overlay with packages for software made by Yandex3 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
yellowPersonal overlay. Mainly wayland stuff and their dev-* dependencies. Some altered ebuilds (alacritty+sixel,virt-manager,...)35 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
zeldu3elDU's overlay2 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
zerodaysfordaysJakob L. Kreuze's personal overlay.10 Homepage Mail Layman
zGentooZappeL's Gentoo-Overlay117 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
zozx-overlayRaymond Kwok's personal Gentoo overlay11 Homepage Feed Mail Layman
zugainacollection of ebuilds by ycarus67 Homepage Mail Layman
zyrenthPersonal overlay20 Homepage Feed Mail Layman

