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media-video/wireplumber-0.5.2 may break on upgrade - 06/05/2024 00:00 GMT

As some will be aware, WirePlumber 0.5.0 introduced a significant
breaking change to its entire configuration system, eliminating the use
of Lua scripts for configuration purposes. This also came with a
complete rework of how Lua scripts are registered with WirePlumber
for execution.

Most typical desktop users, including EasyEffects users, should not
notice any change to their system. That said, it was not uncommon for
people to suggest or implement configuration changes using the Lua API.

Any custom functionality which relies on WirePlumber's Lua API will
break upon upgrade.

If you rely on this functionality, please review the WirePlumber
documentation on porting your Lua scripts to the new API and
registering them with the system before upgrading:

Posted By: James Calligeros

Profile upgrade to version 23.0 available - 22/03/2024 00:00 GMT

A profile upgrade to version 23.0 is available for your architecture. 
The new 23.0 profiles enable some toolchain hardening features and 
performance enhancements by default, and standardize settings.
You can find the list of changes on the wiki tracking page [1].

We strongly advise to precisely follow the upgrade instructions found
below. The 17.0, 17.1, 20.0, and 22.0 profiles will be marked deprecated 
in 2 months and removed a year later. The exact dates may depend on the 
architecture, see [2].

Upgrade instructions

Note 1: If you have manually changed your CHOST to a value different from 
what the stages and profiles set, you may have to do that in the future too.
In that case you should know what you are doing, hopefully; please read the 
instructions with a critical eye then.

Note 2: In case you are already familiar with binary packages, you should be
able to add "--getbinpkg" to the emerge calls to speed things up.
The use of binary packages is completely optional though, and also not
as much tested as the source-based upgrade path yet.

1. Ensure your system backups are up to date. Please also update
   your system fully and depclean before proceeding.
   glibc older than 2.36 and musl older than 1.2.4 is not supported anymore.

2. If you are still using one of the long-deprecated amd64 17.0 profiles 
   (other than x32 or musl), then first complete the migration to the 
   corresponding 17.1 profile. Instructions can be found at [3].
3. If you are currently using systemd in a split-usr configuration, then first 
   complete the migration to the corresponding merged-usr profile of the 
   same profile version. Details on how to do this can be found in the news 
   item [4].
   If you are currently using openrc, migrate to 23.0 first, keeping your disk
   layout. If you want to move from split-usr to merged-usr, do that afterwards.

4. Run "emerge --info" and note down the value of the CHOST variable.

5. Edit /etc/portage/make.conf; if there is a line defining the CHOST variable,
   remove it. Also delete all lines defining CHOST_... variables.

6. Select the 23.0 profile corresponding to your current profile, either using
   "eselect profile" or by manually setting the profile symlink.
   Note that old profiles are by default split-usr and the 23.0 profiles by
   default merged-usr. Do NOT change directory scheme now, since this will
   mess up your system! 
   Instead, make sure that the new profile has the same property: for example, 
   OLD default/linux/amd64/17.1  
        ==>  NEW default/linux/amd64/23.0/split-usr
             (added "split-usr")
   OLD default/linux/amd64/17.1/systemd/merged-usr  
        ==>  NEW default/linux/amd64/23.0/systemd
             (removed "merged-usr")
   A detailed table of the upgrade paths can be found at [5]. Please consult it.
   In some cases (hppa, x86) the table will tell you to pick between two choices. 
   What you need should be obvious from your *old* CHOST value (from step 4).

7. Delete the contents of your binary package cache at $
     rm -r /var/cache/binpkgs/*

8. In the file or directory /etc/portage/binrepos.conf (if existing), update
   the URI in all configuration such that they point to 23.0 profile binhost 
   directories. The exact paths can be found in the table at [5], too.

9. Rebuild or reinstall from binary (if available) the following packages in
   this order, with the same version as already active:
     emerge --ask --oneshot sys-devel/binutils
   (you may have to run binutils-config and re-select your binutils now)
     emerge --ask --oneshot sys-devel/gcc
   (IMPORTANT: If this command wants to rebuild glibc first, do *not* let it do 
    that; instead, abort and try again with --nodeps added to the command line.)
   (you may have to run gcc-config and re-select your gcc now)
   and the C library, i.e. for glibc-based systems
     emerge --ask --oneshot sys-libs/glibc
   or for musl-based systems
     emerge --ask --oneshot sys-libs/musl

10. Re-run "emerge --info" and check if CHOST has changed compared to step 4.

If the CHOST has NOT changed, skip to step 13 (env-update). Otherwise, 

11. Recheck with binutils-config and gcc-config that valid installed versions
   of binutils and gcc are selected.

12. Check /etc/env.d, /etc/env.d/binutils, and /etc/env.d/gcc for files that
   refer to the *OLD* CHOST value, and remove them. 
   Examples how to do this can be found in the similar procedure at [6].

13. Run env-update && source /etc/profile

14. Re-emerge libtool:
   emerge --ask --oneshot libtool

15. Just for safety, delete the contents of your binary package cache at 
    $ again:
     rm -r /var/cache/binpkgs/*

16. Rebuild world:
   emerge --ask --emptytree @world


Posted By: Andreas K. Huettel

installkernel is no longer implicitly installed - 26/02/2024 00:00 GMT

/sbin/installkernel is a script called by the kernel's "make install"
as well as by the distribution kernel's post-install phase. If you are
reading this then chances are you use and rely on installkernel[1] and
what follows is essential for you.

Previously sys-kernel/installkernel was implicitly installed on many
systems via a dependency in sys-apps/debianutils. This dependency was
toggled by the "installkernel" USE flag, and enabled by default.

Until recently, sys-apps/debianutils was in turn pulled in by
app-misc/ca-certificates, an essential package installed on many
systems. However, this dependency of app-misc/ca-certificates on
sys-apps/debianutils was removed[2]. As a result many users may find
that sys-apps/debianutils and therefore sys-kernel/installkernel are no
longer part of the dependency graph and will therefore be cleaned up by
"emerge --depclean".

Removing sys-kernel/installkernel from your system WILL change the way
kernels are installed by "make install"! Instead of the versioned
/boot/vmlinuz-x.y.z that you are used to, "make install" will simply
copy bzImage (or equivalent for your arch) into /boot. This image may
not be picked up by your bootloader or its configuration tools.

To avoid surprises from such implicit dependencies from happening again
in the future, the dependency on sys-kernel/installkernel in
sys-apps/debianutils is removed. And as such, sys-kernel/installkernel
is only installed on the system if it is either explicitly selected or
pulled in via the distribution kernels (e.g. gentoo-kernel(-bin)).

User Action Required (users of manually managed kernels)

Users who manually configure, compile, and install their kernels, i.e.
users of the sys-kernel/*-sources packages, and who wish to continue
to use sys-kernel/installkernel, must ensure that it is explicitly
selected by emerging it:

	emerge --noreplace sys-kernel/installkernel

Users who find that sys-kernel/installkernel has already been cleaned
from their systems and are therefore affected by the change in kernel
installation described above should re-install sys-kernel/installkernel
and then re-install their kernel.

	emerge sys-kernel/installkernel
	cd /usr/src/linux       # (or other location of the kernel sources)
	make install

No manual action is required for users of the distribution kernels:
- sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel, or
- sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel-bin, or
- sys-kernel/vanilla-kernel


Posted By: Andrew Ammerlaan

GRUB upgrades - 01/02/2024 00:00 GMT

When booting with GRUB, it is important that the core image and modules
have matching versions. Usually, running grub-install is sufficient to
ensure this.

On the UEFI platform, grub-install allows the core image to be placed in
two different locations:

This is the location used by grub-install without options.

This is the location used by grub-install --removable.

On upgrades, it is common for users to mismatch the grub-install options
they used for the current and previous versions of grub. This will cause
a stale core image to exist. For example:

/boot/efi/EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI (grub 2.06 core image)
/boot/efi/EFI/gentoo/grubx64.efi (grub 2.12 core image)
/boot/grub/x86_64-efi/*.mod (grub 2.12 modules)

Booting this system using BOOTX64.EFI image would likely fail due to a
symbol mismatch between the core image and modules. [1]

Re-runing grub-install both with and without the --removable option
should ensure a working GRUB installation.

However, this will clobber any BOOTX64.EFI image provided by other
loaders. If dual-booting using another boot loader, users must take care
not to replace BOOTX64.EFI if it is not provided by GRUB.


Posted By: Mike Gilbert

installkernel new USE flag systemd-boot - 30/01/2024 00:00 GMT

/sbin/installkernel is a script called by the kernels 'make install' as well
as by the distribution kernels post install phase. sys-kernel/installkernel
provides two paths for installing the kernel:
- the traditional installkernel, or
- systemd's kernel-install

In sys-kernel/installkernel versions lower then 20, systemd's kernel-install
would default to the layout used for systemd-boot (layout=bls). To improve
backwards compatibility with the traditional installkernel this is no longer
the case in versions 20 and up. Instead the default layout setting when no other
USE flags are enabled is a compatibility layout similar to the traditional
installkernel (layout=compat).

User Action Required (systemd-boot users)

Users of systemd-boot should:
- enable the "systemd-boot" USE flag
when upgrading to >=sys-kernel/installkernel-20.

See also:

Posted By: Andrew Ammerlaan

Merging of installkernel-gentoo and installkernel-systemd - 18/01/2024 00:00 GMT

/sbin/installkernel is a script called by the kernels 'make install' as well
as by the distribution kernels post install phase. It was previously provided
by sys-kernel/installkernel-gentoo or sys-kernel/installkernel-systemd. The
functionalities of these two packages have now been merged into

sys-kernel/installkernel now provides the systemd USE flag to switch between
the traditional installkernel (formerly sys-kernel/installkernel-gentoo) and
systemd's kernel-install (formerly sys-kernel/installkernel-systemd(-boot)).

Additionally, the new sys-kernel/installkernel with the systemd flag enabled
now provides a default install.conf configuration file which ensures that it
will work out-of-the-box with no configuration (other then USE flag
configuration) required for most setups.

Details on configuration and customization can be found on the installkernel
wiki page [1]. Below we provide the most important migration notes.

User Action Required (GRUB users)

Previously sys-kernel/installkernel-gentoo provided kernel installation
automation for users of GRUB via USE=grub. The new sys-kernel/installkernel
provides the same functionality, which now works with both the traditional
installkernel and systemd's kernel-install.

Users of GRUB should therefore:
- check that the "grub" USE flag is enabled
to ensure that systemd's kernel-install uses the correct layout that
grub-mkconfig understands.

Users of GRUB may wish to explicitly choose either the traditional
installkernel or systemd's kernel-install, in which case they may do so
via USE=-/+systemd.

sys-kernel/installkernel is renamed from sys-kernel/installkernel-gentoo,
therefore no user action is required to upgrade to the new package.

User Action Required (systemd-boot users)

Previously sys-kernel/installkernel-systemd provided kernel installation
automation for users of systemd-boot. sys-kernel/installkernel provides
the same functionality but only via systemd's kernel-install.

Users of systemd-boot should therefore:
- ensure that the "systemd" and "systemd-boot" USE flags are enabled
when upgrading to >=sys-kernel/installkernel-14.

Users who are using the distribution kernels (i.e. gentoo-kernel(-bin)) should
enable the "dracut" USE flag on installkernel as well to pull in and enable
the dracut initramfs generator. This is enforced by portage.

Note that the automagic behaviour of the dracut kernel-install plugin is
removed in sys-kernel/installkernel. Users who rely on the dracut plugin
automatically generating an initramfs when installing the kernel must
enable the "dracut" USE flag to retain this behaviour.

The upgrade path is enforced by sys-kernel/installkernel-systemd-4, which is
just a wrapper pulling in >=sys-kernel/installkernel-14 with the "systemd" flag
enabled. sys-kernel/installkernel-systemd may be removed after installing

emerge --noreplace sys-kernel/installkernel
emerge --depclean sys-kernel/installkernel-systemd

User Action Required (rEFInd users)

Previously sys-kernel/installkernel-gentoo provided kernel installation
automation for users of rEFInd. The new sys-kernel/installkernel provides the
same functionality, which now works with both the traditional installkernel and
systemd's kernel-install.

Users of rEFInd should:
- ensure that the "systemd-boot" and "grub" USE flags are NOT enabled when
upgrading to >=sys-kernel/installkernel-20.

Additionally, users of rEFInd may want to
- enable the "refind" USE flag to
install an icon file alongside the installed kernel image which rEFInd will
pick up at runtime.

Users of rEFInd may wish to explicitly choose either the traditional
installkernel or systemd's kernel-install, in which case they may do so
via USE=-/+systemd.

sys-kernel/installkernel is renamed from sys-kernel/installkernel-gentoo,
therefore no further user action is required to upgrade to the new package.

User Action Required (users of other bootloaders and custom scripts)

Users who have previously relied on custom installkernel or kernel-install
plugins should either ensure that the same kernel installation method will be
used after upgrading to >=sys-kernel/installkernel-14 (via USE=+/-systemd) or
migrate these custom plugins (details are on the wiki [1]).

Users of bootloaders other than GRUB, systemd-boot or refind may want to retain
the traditional /boot layout. They may do so by:
- ensuring that the "systemd-boot", "grub" and "refind" USE flags are disabled.

Optional: Unified Kernel Images (all users)

Users who wish to use Unified Kernel Images[2] (e.g. for EFI stub booting) may
do so by
- enabling the "ukify" and "uki" USE flags.
Which will automatically install a bootable EFI executable to the EFI system

The UEFI firmware, as well as, Systemd-boot, GRUB and rEFInd are capable of
loading Unified Kernel Images. For more details see the wiki page on Unified
Kernel Images[2]


Posted By: Andrew Ammerlaan

Separate /usr now requires an initramfs - 05/01/2024 00:00 GMT

Systems which have /usr and / on separate filesystems have always required a
dedicated initramfs to bring up both partitions. Systems where both /usr and /
are on the same filesystem may use an initramfs if they wish, or choose not

Historically, Gentoo has tried to make the separate filesystems use case work
anyway. Despite all our efforts, it is broken and continues to get more broken
under various configurations. The only workable solution is to support
separate /usr but only when an initramfs is present. For more details on why
this is broken, see:


In 2013, Gentoo policy determined that separate /usr without an initramfs was
officially no longer supported:


11 years later, the support is being withdrawn. On 2024-02-05, we plan to
begin work on decommissioning existing workarounds and will not accept any

User Action Required

If you have separate /usr and are not currently using an initramfs, you have
until 2024-02-05 to set up an initramfs. If you do not, then at some point on
or after this date, routine system upgrades will leave your system unbootable.

For details on setting up an initramfs, see:

Posted By: Eli Schwartz

LXD to lose access for its image server - 28/12/2023 00:00 GMT

Earlier this year Canonical took their LXD project away from the
community-run LinuxContainers and brought it under their own
While doing so, they removed management access from non-Canonical
employees, along with other things. This caused LXD to be forked and so
Incus was born. Incus would pull updates from upstream LXD to stay

Recently LXD was re-licensed so Incus can't benefit from its code
anymore. Therefore Incus will become a truly independent project.

However it is LinuxContainers community that still hosts most LXD
images for free, for Incus and LXD. With them unable to benefit or use
LXD anymore, LinuxContainers have decided to stop building and hosting
LXD images. Realistically they can't support LXD given these

They will start limiting access immediately in 2024 for non-LTS users
which is LXD >=5.18, or "unstable" in Gentoo. LTS LXD, or "stable"
(5.0) in Gentoo will be allowed to pull images until May (an estimate),
or until Incus LTS will be released. Times are subject to change.

What can you do?

1: Switch to Incus. 
2: Deploy your own image server.
3: Wait and see what Canonical does.

For unstable users the matter is rather critical, while stable users
have the luxury of waiting. Note that a downgrade from unstable to
stable is not possible due to database schemas.

Please follow or take a look at Gentoo bug #920527 with more
information about this situation, and updates e.g. for timetables.


Posted By: Joonas Niilola

CUPS no longer directly depends on its filters - 20/11/2023 00:00 GMT


Historically, net-print/cups has both depended on and been a dependency of
net-print/cups-filters. The latter is required for usability of a CUPS
printing setup, but also must build against the former's libraries. This
results in an ugly dependency cycle, and forcing the entire CUPS printing
setup wherever USE=cups is enabled on a framework.

Current upstream work on CUPS has focused on modularizing the codebase. There
are now several packages, and there will be more in the future. Installing
net-print/cups-filters is no longer sufficient to ensure all components are

In the future, when CUPS v3 is released, filters will be exclusive to legacy
printers, and largely replaced with IPP Everywhere.[1]

A more future-proof way to install a CUPS production printing setup is needed.

User Action Required

cups-filters is required for current versions of CUPS. To prevent depcleaning
if you are a CUPS user (and it was not installed just as a dependency for
something else):

    emerge net-print/cups-meta

If cups-browsed support is desired, add the following package.use:

    net-print/cups-meta browsed


Posted By: Eli Schwartz

Plasma Profile to enable PipeWire, Wayland support - 21/05/2023 00:00 GMT


Gentoo's Plasma profile has not had any sound server enabled since the days of 
KDE's own aRts. As the way we output sound has changed dramatically in the years
since - using wireless or often several devices, dynamically connected and 
shared between multiple systems, a modern desktop environment is expected to 
handle this effortlessly by default.

In Wayland sessions, the video functionality of PipeWire is not only used for 
screensharing but also to take screenshots and -recordings or simply to cast 
window content onto task managers' window previews. This is why PipeWire and 
Wayland enablement are happening at the same time.

Plasma Wayland support has come a long way and we consider it stable enough for 
daily use with a lot - if not all - systems, even if some known papercuts 
remain [1]. Therefore it makes sense for Plasma profile to provide sane default 


New global USE flags enabled: pipewire, pulseaudio, screencast, wayland
New package.use default: media-video/pipewire[sound-server]

We want broad sound server support in packages, and these settings will make
PipeWire act as our PulseAudio server where there is no native PipeWire support.

Impact On Happy X Users

Minor. Most dependencies were already required with kde-plasma/plasma-desktop 
and its dependencies. Upcoming stable versions of kde-apps/spectacle and 
kde-apps/krfb will depend on (K)PipeWire unconditionally.

No one will lose their X session, but will have the option to easily log in to 
a working Wayland session at any time.

It is possible to set USE="-wayland" against these changes, but it will amount 
to no dependency savings, just micro-optimisation in affected packages.

User Action Required

In order to enact all changes:

    emerge -1avUD @world
    Check out how to configure PipeWire for your purpose [2][3]

In order to keep a PulseAudio or ALSA-only setup:

    Invert above new USE flag settings as needed, see also [2].

In order to avoid media-video/pipewire completely:

    This can only be achieved by losing basic task manager, screenshot/screen
    recording/sharing functions as provided by Plasma and KDE applications.


Posted By: Andreas Sturmlechner