Baresip is a portable and modular SIP User-Agent
baresip-3.20.0~amd64aac acip alsa amr aptx aom codec2 console dbus echo evdev ffmpeg gstreamer gtk3 jack httpd httpreq mpa mqtt opus pipewire portaudio pulseaudio sdl serreg snapshot sndfile spandsp static-libs syslog tcpcontrol v4l video vpx webrtc X
Browse License: BSD
Overlay: guru -
baresip-3.20.0~amd64aac acip alsa amr aptx aom codec2 console dbus echo evdev ffmpeg gstreamer gtk3 jack httpd httpreq mpa mqtt opus pipewire portaudio pulseaudio sdl serreg snapshot sndfile spandsp static-libs syslog tcpcontrol v4l video vpx webrtc X
Browse License: BSD
Overlay: zGentoo -
baresip-3.19.0~amd64aac acip alsa amr aptx aom codec2 console dbus echo evdev ffmpeg gstreamer gtk3 jack httpd httpreq mpa mqtt opus pipewire portaudio pulseaudio sdl serreg snapshot sndfile spandsp static-libs syslog tcpcontrol v4l video vpx webrtc X
Browse License: BSD
Overlay: guru -
baresip-3.18.0~amd64aac acip alsa amr aptx aom codec2 console dbus echo evdev ffmpeg gstreamer gtk3 jack httpd httpreq mpa mqtt opus pipewire portaudio pulseaudio sdl serreg snapshot sndfile spandsp static-libs syslog tcpcontrol v4l video vpx webrtc X
Browse License: BSD
Overlay: guru -
baresip-3.14.0amd64aac alsa amr aptx aom codec2 ffmpeg g7221 gst gtk3 jack mqtt mpa opus openssl png portaudio pulseaudio pipewire sdl2 sndfile spandsp vpx x11
Browse License: BSD
Overlay: AlexandreFournier -
baresip-3.10.1amd64aac alsa amr aptx aom codec2 ffmpeg g7221 gst gtk3 jack mqtt mpa opus openssl png portaudio pulseaudio pipewire sdl2 sndfile spandsp vpx x11
Browse License: BSD
Overlay: AlexandreFournier
Reverse Dependencies
Reverse dependancies are sometimes conditional based on your USE flags, Ebuild version and sometimes other packages. please keep this in mind.