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Qt/KDE IRC client supporting a remote daemon for 24/7 connectivity


  • quassel-9999
    bundled-icons crypt +dbus gui kde ldap monolithic oxygen postgres +server spell syslog test

    View      Download      Browse     License: GPL-3   
    Overlay: gentoo
  • quassel-0.14.0-r4
    amd64 ~arm arm64 ~ppc64 ~riscv ~x86 ~amd64-linux
    bundled-icons crypt +dbus gui kde ldap monolithic oxygen postgres +server spell syslog test

    View      Download      Browse     License: GPL-3   
    Overlay: gentoo
  • quassel-0.11.0
    ~amd64 ~x86
    ayatana crypt dbus debug kde monolithic phonon postgres qt5 +server +ssl syslog webkit X

    View      Download      Browse     License: GPL-3   
    Overlay: argent-main
  • quassel-0.10.0
    ~amd64 ~x86
    ayatana crypt dbus debug -kde monolithic -phonon postgres +server +ssl syslog webkit X

    View      Download      Browse     License: GPL-3   
    Overlay: argent-main

USE Flags

* This flag is undocumented *
Global: Add support for encryption -- using mcrypt or gpg where applicable
* This flag is undocumented *
Global: Build some GUI components (inside the guest window).
Global: Adds support for kde-base/kde (K Desktop Enviroment)
Global: Adds LDAP support (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
Global: Build Standalone client with integrated core, no external quasselcore needed. Only useful if you don't want to use quassels client/server model. The server and X flags are not needed in this case but it is possible to enable them too.
Local: Build Standalone client with integrated core, no external quasselcore needed. Only useful if you don't want to use quassels client/server model. The server and X flags are not needed in this case but it is possible to enable them too.
Global: Install oxygen icons. Highly recommended for KDE-4.1 and KDE-4.2 (or usage without kde). KDE-4.3 will ship the icons by default.
Local: Install oxygen icons. Highly recommended for KDE-4.1 and KDE-4.2 (or usage without kde). KDE-4.3 will ship the icons by default.
Global: Adds support for the postgresql database
* This flag is undocumented *
Global: Adds dictionary support
Global: Enables support for syslog
Global: Workaround to pull in packages needed to run with FEATURES=test. Portage-2.1.2 handles this internally, so don't set it in make.conf/package.use anymore
Global: Build in support for Ayatana notification using the libindicate-qt plugin.
Local: Build in support for Ayatana notification using the libindicate-qt plugin.
Global: Enable dbus support for anything that needs it (gpsd, gnomemeeting, etc)
Global: Enable extra debug codepaths, like asserts and extra output. If you want to get meaningful backtraces see
Global: Enable bindings to QT Phonon
Local: Build client with phonon backend support. This enables sound playback in client.
* This flag is undocumented *
* This flag is undocumented *
Global: Use Webkit-based rendering for geographical data view.
Local: Use qt-webkit rendering engine for showing URL thumbnails and for other things that need web browser integration.
Global: Adds support for X11
Local: Build the Qt 4 GUI client for quassel. If this USE flag is disabled, the GUI is not built, and cannot be used. You might want to disable this on the server, but you need it enabled on the client.
* This flag is undocumented *
* This flag is undocumented *