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Lightweight IDE for C++/QML development centering around Qt


  • ghoul-9999
    +clang debug doc systemd +qml tools wayland webengine autotest beautifier bineditor +bookmarks +classview coco conan cppcheck ctfvisualizer +designer docker emacs vim help imageviewer macros marketplace modeling perfprofiler scxml serialterminal silversearcher todo valgrind welcome autotools +cmake +cmakeprojectmanager compilationdatabase incredibuild meson qbs +qmake glsl +lsp nim python android baremetal boot2qt qnx remotelinux webassembly +vcsbase bazaar clearcase cvs git gitlab mercurial perforce subversion drp +minimap l10n_cs l10n_da l10n_de l10n_fr l10n_hr l10n_ja l10n_pl l10n_ru l10n_sl l10n_uk l10n_zh-CN l10n_zh-TW +llvm_slot_19 llvm_slot_15 llvm_slot_16 llvm_slot_17 llvm_slot_18 test

    View      Download      Browse     License: GPL-3   
    Overlay: Miezhiko


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