# Copyright 1999-2023 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=8 PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{10..13} ) PYTHON_REQ_USE="readline,sqlite" inherit multiprocessing python-any-r1 if [[ ${PV} == 9999 ]]; then inherit git-r3 EGIT_REPO_URI="https://github.com/sagemath/sage.git" EGIT_BRANCH=develop EGIT_CHECKOUT_DIR="${WORKDIR}/${P}" else SRC_URI="https://github.com/sagemath/sage/archive/${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos" S="${WORKDIR}/sage-${PV}" fi DESCRIPTION="Build the sage documentation" HOMEPAGE="https://www.sagemath.org" LICENSE="GPL-2" SLOT="0" IUSE="doc-pdf" L10N_USEDEP="l10n_en," LANGS="ca de es fr hu it ja pt ru tr" for X in ${LANGS} ; do IUSE="${IUSE} l10n_${X}" L10N_USEDEP="${L10N_USEDEP}l10n_${X}?," done L10N_USEDEP="${L10N_USEDEP%?}" RESTRICT="mirror test" # There is a trick to use $PV in python_gen_any_deps # But it breaks checking with pkgcheck, reports of "missing check for ... " # may be safely ignored most of the time. BDEPEND="$(python_gen_any_dep " dev-python/sphinx[\${PYTHON_USEDEP}] dev-python/furo[\${PYTHON_USEDEP}] dev-python/jupyter-sphinx[\${PYTHON_USEDEP}] dev-python/sphinx-copybutton[\${PYTHON_USEDEP}] dev-python/sphinx-inline-tabs[\${PYTHON_USEDEP}] ~sci-mathematics/sagemath-standard-${PV}[\${PYTHON_USEDEP},jmol] ~sci-mathematics/sage_docbuild-${PV}[\${PYTHON_USEDEP}] ") doc-pdf? ( >=app-text/texlive-2023[extra,luatex,${L10N_USEDEP}] >=app-text/texlive-core-2023[xindy] media-fonts/freefont ) " RDEPEND="dev-libs/mathjax" DEPEND="dev-libs/mathjax" PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-10.4-makefile.patch ) HTML_DOCS="${WORKDIR}/build_doc/html/*" DOCS=( "${WORKDIR}/build_doc/index.html" "${S}/src/doc/common" ) # python_check_deps happilly processes $PV. python_check_deps() { python_has_version -b "dev-python/sphinx[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]" && python_has_version -b "~sci-mathematics/sagemath-standard-${PV}[${PYTHON_USEDEP},jmol]" && python_has_version -b "~sci-mathematics/sage_docbuild-${PV}[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]" && python_has_version -b "dev-python/furo[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]" && python_has_version -b "dev-python/jupyter-sphinx[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]" && python_has_version -b "dev-python/sphinx-copybutton[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]" && python_has_version -b "dev-python/sphinx-inline-tabs[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]" } src_unpack(){ if [[ ${PV} == 9999 ]]; then git-r3_src_unpack fi default } src_prepare(){ default einfo "bootstrapping the documentation - be patient" SAGE_ROOT="${S}" PATH="${S}/build/bin:${PATH}" src/doc/bootstrap || die "cannot bootstrap the documentation" # remove all the sources outside of src/doc to avoid interferences for object in src/* ; do if [ $object != "src/doc" ] ; then rm -rf $object || die "failed to remove $object" fi done } src_configure(){ export SAGE_DOC="${WORKDIR}"/build_doc export SAGE_DOC_SRC="${S}"/src/doc export SAGE_DOC_MATHJAX=yes export VARTEXFONTS="${T}"/fonts export SAGE_NUM_THREADS=$(makeopts_jobs) export SAGE_NUM_THREADS_PARALLEL=$(makeopts_jobs) # try to fix random sphinx crash during the building of the documentation export MPLCONFIGDIR="${T}"/matplotlib # Avoid spurious message from the gtk backend by making sure it is never tried export MPLBACKEND=Agg local mylang="en " for lang in ${LANGS} ; do use l10n_$lang && mylang+="$lang " done export LANGUAGES="${mylang}" } src_compile(){ cd src/doc # Needs to be created beforehand or it gets created as a file with the content of _static/plot_directive.css mkdir -p "${SAGE_DOC}"/html/en/reference/_static # for some reason luatex check whether it can write there. # Of course it should fail, but it triggers the sandbox. addpredict /var/lib/texmf/m_t_x_t_e_s_t.tmp # for some reason opened for write during inventory of reference/plotting(?) - no write happens. # This manifest as root addpredict "${ESYSROOT}/usr/share/sage/cremona/cremona_mini.db" # For some reason java/jmol ignores HOME and uses portage's home as home directory # Nothing seem to happen though addpredict "${ESYSROOT}/var/lib/portage/home/.java" emake doc-html if use doc-pdf ; then DOCS+=( "${SAGE_DOC}/pdf" ) emake doc-pdf fi } src_install(){ #################################### # Prepare the documentation for installation #################################### pushd "${WORKDIR}" # Prune _static folders cp -r build_doc/html/en/_static build_doc/html/ || die "failed to copy _static folder" for sdir in `find build_doc -name _static` ; do if [ $sdir != "build_doc/html/_static" ] ; then rm -rf $sdir || die "failed to remove $sdir" ln -rst ${sdir%_static} build_doc/html/_static fi done # Linking to local copy of mathjax folders rather than copying them for sobject in $(ls "${ESYSROOT}"/usr/share/mathjax/) ; do rm -rf build_doc/html/_static/${sobject} \ || die "failed to remove mathjax object $sobject" ln -st build_doc/html/_static/ ../../../../mathjax/$sobject done # prune .buildinfo files, those are internal to sphinx and are not used after building. find build_doc -name .buildinfo -delete || die "failed to prune buildinfo files" # prune the jupyter_execute folder created by jupyter-sphinx rm -rf build_doc/html/en/reference/jupyter_execute popd docompress -x /usr/share/doc/"${PF}"/common einstalldocs dosym -r /usr/share/doc/"${PF}" /usr/share/jupyter/kernels/sagemath/doc }