# Copyright 1999-2024 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=8 inherit unpacker patches DESCRIPTION="Crypto-provider browser plugin for russian e-gov site https://gosuslugi.ru/" HOMEPAGE="https://gosuslugi.ru/" BASE_URI="https://ds-plugin.gosuslugi.ru/plugin/upload/assets/distrib" SRC_URI=" amd64? ( ${BASE_URI}/IFCPlugin-x86_64.deb -> ${P}_amd64.deb ) x86? ( ${BASE_URI}/IFCPlugin-i386.deb -> ${P}_x86.deb ) " S="${WORKDIR}" LICENSE="all-rights-reserved" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86" RESTRICT="mirror strip" RDEPEND=" dev-libs/libxml2:2 sys-apps/pcsc-lite:0 virtual/libusb:0 " DEPEND="${RDEPEND}" QA_PREBUILT="*" QA_SONAME_NO_SYMLINK="usr/lib32/.* usr/lib64/.*" pkg_setup() { if [[ "${MERGE_TYPE}" != "binary" ]]; then ewarn "Upstream is hostile, and have no versioned distfiles" ewarn "So, you should expect random checksum verification errors sometimes" ewarn "In cases when it happens - place an issue on overlay's issue tracker on GitHub, please" fi } src_unpack() { unpack_deb ${A} } src_install() { local cfg if use amd64; then cfg="ifcx64.cfg" elif use x86; then cfg="ifcx86.cfg" else die "Unsupported architecture!" fi rm usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/lib/libcapi_engine_linux.so || die # linked against missing libs rm -r etc/update_ccid_boundle || die # unnneeded crap rm etc/ifc.cfg || die # broken encoding, missing cprocsp pkcs11 driver insinto /etc newins "${FILESDIR}/${cfg}" ifc.cfg insinto / doins -r usr etc opt dobin usr/bin/ifc_chrome_host keepdir /var/log/ifc/engine_logs insinto /etc/chromium/native-messaging-hosts doins etc/opt/chrome/native-messaging-hosts/ru.rtlabs.ifcplugin.json } pkg_postinst() { # otherwise it tries to create it as user, with 777 on path local log="/var/log/ifc/engine_logs/engine.log" touch "${log}" chmod 666 "${log}" # plugin doesn't work otherwise # (all users who run it should be able to write in it, or plugin crashes) # TODO: think about proper fix before moving to gentoo repo. }