# Copyright 2024-2025 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=8 inherit mpv-plugin optfeature RDEPEND=">=media-video/mpv-0.33.0[lua]" DESCRIPTION="A minimalistic progressbar and osc replacement" HOMEPAGE="https://codeberg.org/NRK/mpv-toolbox" SRC_URI="https://codeberg.org/NRK/mpv-toolbox/archive/${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz" S="${WORKDIR}/mpv-toolbox/${PN}" LICENSE="GPL-3+" KEYWORDS="~amd64" MPV_PLUGIN_FILES=( mfpbar.lua ) DOCS=( mfpbar.conf README.md ) pkg_postinst() { mpv-plugin_pkg_postinst einfo "mfpbar requires disabling the default osc." einfo "put 'osc=no' in your 'mpv.conf' in order to do so." optfeature "thumbnail support" mpv-plugin/thumbfast }