# Copyright 2025 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=8 inherit cmake DESCRIPTION="Modern \"Jedi Engine\" replacement supporting Dark Forces and the mods." HOMEPAGE="https://theforceengine.github.io/" SRC_URI="https://github.com/luciusDXL/TheForceEngine/archive/refs/tags/v${PV}.tar.gz" LICENSE="GPL-2" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~amd64" IUSE="editor +midi" DEPEND=" >=media-libs/libsdl2-2.24 >=media-libs/sdl2-image-2.6.3 virtual/opengl " RDEPEND="${DEPEND} midi? ( >=media-libs/rtmidi-5.0.0[alsa(+)] ) " BDEPEND="" src_configure() { local mycmakeargs=( -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DENABLE_EDITOR=$(usex editor) -DENABLE_FORCE_SCRIPT=ON ) cmake_src_configure } src_compile() { cmake_src_compile } src_install() { cmake_src_install } pkg_postinst() { xdg_icon_cache_update elog "For the game to work properly, you need to buy it, e.g. on GoG." elog "Dark Forces: https://www.gog.com/en/game/star_wars_dark_forces" elog "Outlaws: https://www.gog.com/en/game/outlaws_a_handful_of_missions" elog "" elog "Dark forces:" elog "Go into directory in your home, where you want to download it." elog "Use lgog downloader to download it, e.g." elog "lgogdownloader --download --game dark_forces --exclude extras" elog "Then use innoextract to extract" elog "cd star_wars_dark_forces" elog "innoextract -e setup_star_warstm_dark_forces_1.0.2_\(20338\).exe" elog "" elog "" elog "Outlaws:" elog "Go into directory in your home, wher you want to download it." elog "Use lgog downloader to download it, e.g." elog "lgogdownloader --download --game outlaws --exclude extras" elog "Then use innoextract to extract" elog "cd outlaws_a_handful_of_missions" elog "innoextract -e setup_outlaws_2.0_hotfix_\(18728\).exe" elog "" elog " Launch TheForceEngine and point it correct directories." }