# Copyright 1999-2023 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=8 RUST_MIN_VER="1.75.0" RUST_MAX_VER="1.81.0" RUST_NEEDS_LLVM=1 LLVM_COMPAT=( {17..18} ) inherit llvm-r1 systemd cargo linux-info udev xdg desktop _PV=${PV//_rc/-RC} _PVV=`[[ ${_PV} =~ .*"RC".* ]] && echo || echo ${_PV}` _PN="asusd" DESCRIPTION="${PN} (${_PN}) is a utility for Linux to control many aspects of various ASUS laptops." HOMEPAGE="https://asus-linux.org" SRC_URI=" https://gitlab.com/asus-linux/${PN}/-/archive/${_PV}/${PN}-${_PV}.tar.gz https://gitlab.com/asus-linux/${PN}/uploads/99346eba22c845fcdc7570ad6abbea7b/vendor_${PN}_${_PV}.tar.xz " LICENSE="0BSD Apache-2.0 Apache-2.0-with-LLVM-exceptions BSD BSD-2 Boost-1.0 ISC LicenseRef-UFL-1.0 MIT MPL-2.0 OFL-1.1 Unicode-DFS-2016 Unlicense ZLIB" SLOT="0/4" KEYWORDS="~amd64" RESTRICT="mirror" IUSE="+acpi +gfx gnome gui" REQUIRED_USE="gnome? ( gfx )" RDEPEND="!!sys-power/rog-core !!sys-power/asus-nb-ctrl acpi? ( sys-power/acpi_call ) gui? ( dev-libs/libayatana-appindicator !!gnome-extra/gnome-shell-extension-supergfxctl-gex ) >=sys-power/power-profiles-daemon-0.10.0 " DEPEND="${RDEPEND} dev-libs/libusb:1 gfx? ( !sys-kernel/gentoo-g14-next >=sys-power/supergfxctl-5.0.0[gnome?] ) sys-apps/systemd:0= sys-apps/dbus media-libs/sdl2-gfx $(llvm_gen_dep ' llvm-core/clang:${LLVM_SLOT}= llvm-core/llvm:${LLVM_SLOT}= ') " S="${WORKDIR}/${PN}-${_PV/_/-}" src_unpack() { cargo_src_unpack unpack ${PN}-${_PV/_/.}.tar.gz sed -i "1s/.*/Version=\"${_PV}\"/" ${S}/Makefile # adding vendor-package cd ${S} && unpack vendor_${PN}_${_PV%%_*}.tar.xz } src_prepare() { require_configured_kernel # checking for touchpad dependencies k_wrn_touch="" linux_chkconfig_present I2C_HID_CORE || k_wrn_touch="${k_wrn_touch}> CONFIG_I2C_HID_CORE not found, should be either builtin or build as module\n" linux_chkconfig_present I2C_HID_ACPI || k_wrn_touch="${k_wrn_touch}> CONFIG_I2C_HID_ACPI not found, should be either builtin or build as module\n" linux_chkconfig_present HID_ASUS || k_wrn_touch="${k_wrn_touch}> CONFIG_HID_ASUS not found, should be either builtin or build as module\n" linux_chkconfig_builtin PINCTRL_AMD || k_wrn_touch="${k_wrn_touch}> CONFIG_PINCTRL_AMD not found, must be builtin\n" [[ ${k_wrn_touch} != "" ]] && ewarn "\nKernel configuration issue(s), needed for touchpad support:\n\n${k_wrn_touch}" # adding vendor package config mkdir -p ${S}/.cargo && cp ${FILESDIR}/${P}-vendor_config ${S}/.cargo/config # only build rog-control-center when "gui" flag is set (TODO!) ! use gui && eapply "${FILESDIR}/${P}-disable_rog-cc.patch" default rust_pkg_setup } src_compile() { cargo_gen_config cargo_src_compile # cargo is using a different target-path during compilation (correcting it) [ -d `cargo_target_dir` ] && mv -f "`cargo_target_dir`/"* ./target/release/ } src_install() { if use gui; then # icons (apps) insinto /usr/share/icons/hicolor/512x512/apps/ doins data/icons/*.png # icons (status/notify) insinto /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/status/ doins data/icons/scalable/*.svg fi insinto /lib/udev/rules.d/ doins data/${_PN}.rules if [ -f data/_asusctl ] && [ -d /usr/share/zsh/site-functions ]; then insinto /usr/share/zsh/site-functions doins data/_asusctl fi insinto /usr/share/dbus-1/system.d/ doins data/${_PN}.conf systemd_dounit data/${_PN}.service systemd_douserunit data/${_PN}-user.service if use acpi; then insinto /etc/modules-load.d doins ${FILESDIR}/90-acpi_call.conf fi use gui && domenu rog-control-center/data/rog-control-center.desktop default } pkg_postinst() { xdg_icon_cache_update udev_reload } pkg_postrm() { xdg_icon_cache_update udev_reload }