# Copyright 1999-2025 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=8 MY_PN="KeyDB" # N.B.: It is no clue in porting to Lua eclasses, as upstream have deviated # too far from vanilla Lua, adding their own APIs like lua_enablereadonlytable inherit edo git-r3 multiprocessing systemd tmpfiles toolchain-funcs DESCRIPTION="KeyDB is a high performance fork of Redis with a focus on multithreading" HOMEPAGE="https://docs.keydb.dev/" EGIT_REPO_URI="https://github.com/Snapchat/${MY_PN}.git" LICENSE="BSD" SLOT="0" IUSE="curl flash ssl systemd test" RESTRICT="!test? ( test )" COMMON_DEPEND=" app-arch/lz4 app-arch/snappy app-arch/zstd curl? ( net-misc/curl ) ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl:0= ) systemd? ( sys-apps/systemd:= ) " RDEPEND=" ${COMMON_DEPEND} acct-group/keydb acct-user/keydb " BDEPEND=" ${COMMON_DEPEND} virtual/pkgconfig " # Tcl is only needed in the CHOST test env DEPEND=" ${COMMON_DEPEND} test? ( dev-lang/tcl:0= ssl? ( dev-tcltk/tls ) )" PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-6.3.2-config.patch" "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-sentinel-6.3.2-config.patch" ) src_compile() { local myconf="" if use ssl; then myconf+=" BUILD_TLS=yes" fi if use flash; then myconf+=" ENABLE_FLASH=yes" fi if ! use curl; then myconf+=" NO_MOTD=yes" fi export USE_SYSTEMD=$(usex systemd) tc-export AR CC RANLIB emake ${myconf} AR="${AR}" CC="${CC}" RANLIB="${RANLIB}" DEBUG="" } src_test() { local runtestargs=( --clients "$(makeopts_jobs)" # see bug #649868 --skipunit unit/oom-score-adj # see bug #756382 --skipunit unit/expire --skipunit integration/replication-active --skipunit unit/shutdown --verbose ) if use ssl; then edo ./utils/gen-test-certs.sh runtestargs+=( --tls ) fi edo ./runtest "${runtestargs[@]}" } src_install() { insinto /etc/keydb doins keydb.conf sentinel.conf use prefix || fowners -R keydb:keydb /etc/keydb /etc/keydb/{keydb,sentinel}.conf fperms 0750 /etc/keydb fperms 0644 /etc/keydb/{keydb,sentinel}.conf newconfd "${FILESDIR}/keydb.confd-r2" keydb newinitd "${FILESDIR}/keydb.initd-6" keydb systemd_newunit "${FILESDIR}/keydb.service-4" keydb.service newtmpfiles "${FILESDIR}/keydb.tmpfiles-2" keydb.conf newconfd "${FILESDIR}/keydb-sentinel.confd-r1" keydb-sentinel newinitd "${FILESDIR}/keydb-sentinel.initd-r1" keydb-sentinel insinto /etc/logrotate.d/ newins "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.logrotate" "${PN}" dodoc 00-RELEASENOTES README.md if use ssl; then dodoc TLS.md fi dobin src/keydb-cli dosbin src/keydb-benchmark src/keydb-server src/keydb-check-aof src/keydb-check-rdb src/keydb-diagnostic-tool fperms 0750 /usr/sbin/keydb-benchmark dosym keydb-server /usr/sbin/keydb-sentinel if use prefix; then diropts -m0750 else diropts -m0750 -o keydb -g keydb fi keepdir /var/{log,lib}/keydb } pkg_postinst() { tmpfiles_process keydb.conf ewarn "The default keydb configuration file location changed to:" ewarn " /etc/keydb/{keydb,sentinel}.conf" ewarn "Please apply your changes to the new configuration files." }