# Copyright 1999-2024 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=8 LUA_COMPAT=( lua{5-{1..4},jit} ) inherit lua git-r3 toolchain-funcs DESCRIPTION="udev bindings for Lua" HOMEPAGE="https://github.com/dodo/lua-udev/" EGIT_REPO_URI="https://github.com/dodo/lua-udev/" LICENSE="MIT" SLOT="0" IUSE="examples" REQUIRED_USE="${LUA_REQUIRED_USE}" DEPEND=" ${LUA_DEPS} virtual/libudev " src_prepare() { default if use lua_targets_luajit; then sed -i -r \ -e '/LUA_VERSION_NUM/s@(503)@\1 \&\& !defined(luaL_newlib)@' \ "${PN}".c || die fi lua_copy_sources } each_lua_compile() { pushd "${BUILD_DIR}" $(tc-getCC) "${PN}.c" ${CFLAGS} $(lua_get_CFLAGS) ${LDFLAGS} -fPIC -shared -ludev -o udev.so || die "Unable to compile" popd } src_compile() { lua_foreach_impl each_lua_compile } each_lua_install() { pushd "${BUILD_DIR}" insinto "$(lua_get_cmod_dir)" doins udev.so popd } src_install() { lua_foreach_impl each_lua_install if use examples; then DOCS+=(test.lua) fi einstalldocs }